He moistened his lips, totally in tune with her and apparently okay with her calling the shots, even if those shots were never spoken. She shoved her hips up and he thrust inside her with one hard jolt then another, driving his fingers still deeper. “Come, Drina. Let me bring you pleasure.”

She raked her fingers over her nipples then, watching as raw male hunger settled in his eyes as he pinned his gaze to her breasts. That’s when it was all over and yet still set to begin.

Dallas threw his left arm over her head and pulled her hair, yanking her head back so she would stare into his eyes as he finished her. And he wasted no time in bringing her satisfaction. Three hard strokes sent her spinning. He wedged his hand between her cunt and her panties and forced his fingers in and out of her pussy at such a rapid pace that all she could do was let her climax have her.

“Scream for me, Drina,” he whispered, giving her a quick kiss and picking up his pace.

His mouth hovered over hers then as she opened and closed her own, unable to scream, unable to breathe his name, but so completely sated by the time he withdrew his fingers that she lay limp on the ground, wishing Zak had been there to witness it all.

Ten minutes later, her arms were at her sides. His mouth ran up and down her neck and returned to her lips once more before he seemingly realized she was no longer into the act, no longer interested in cooling a much deeper burn. He brushed her hair away from her forehead and planted a kiss on her brow. “My brother’s a lucky man.”

She gasped and turned away, unwilling to look at him then as she thought of what she’d done. “You need to get off me.”

Dallas slid to her right side, but grabbed hold of her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Do you think he doesn’t know?”

She thinned her lips. Tears welled in her eyes and she closed them, trying to come to terms with what was happening, what she’d chosen to do. She wondered then, had Coco experienced what she was experiencing? What about Brianna? Had she wavered between brothers or had the Jackson brothers collectively decided they would share her from the very beginning?

Dallas brushed his knuckles across her cheek. “Open your eyes, beautiful. Zak knows I’m here. He knows I’m infatuated with you and he is positive we’re a good match.”

“What do you mean we’re a good match?”

“You know Zak as well as any other woman has ever known Zak. Do you honestly think we haven’t talked about sharing you? We’ve discussed you often.”

She tried to process. “Today was the first day he introduced us.”

“And the waiting was more foreplay than I thought I could handle. If I had known—”

“If you’d known what?” They needed to talk about this. They’d been at a handful of parties and clubs at the same time. They’d exchanged those heated looks. She wanted to know why nothing had happened between them before.

“If I’d known you were the woman I had avoided all these years, I guess the waiting would’ve been impossible.”

“Do you realize how ridiculous this all sounds?”

“Ridiculous or not, it’s the truth.” He combed his fingers through her hair.

Drina flipped on her stomach and glared at the row of trees in the distance. Noting the whispering high grass and the rustling of branches, she sighed in fulfillment as Dallas’s hand ran over her hips. He leaned over her back and nipped at her ear. “You’ve heard that saying. The grass is always greener on the other side?”

“Yes,” she whispered, turning her head to the side and enjoying the way he nuzzled her neck.

“It is greener, Drina. And Zak knows it. We all do. We’ve watched Coco and Brandon as a committed couple and we’ve watched their relationship grow into so much more now that Kurt and Liam are part of the equation.” His hot breath at her ear drove her mad. She longed to kiss him again, needed to feel him pressing against her, craving her with that crazy inexplicable hunger that she easily felt in his kiss, in each caress.

As if he understood the new temptation rising, he eased away and sat next to her. His knees were slightly parted with his booted feet planted firmly on the ground. He placed his arms behind him with his palms down. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure.” Why not? They’d had a pretty heated romp and as far as Drina was concerned, the dirtiest of deeds were nearly complete.

“Are you attracted to me?” He didn’t look at her. He kept his head straight, his eyes fixated on the horses and the river.

“Things wouldn’t have gone as far as they did if there hadn’t been an attraction there.”

“But you don’t think you can handle it?”

She cocked her head. “I’m not following you.”

“You and me, Zak and you, Hales and you, a foursome or a threesome, taking turns, or whatever. Can you handle it or not?”

“So Hales is definitely in this equation, too?” She’d already figured as much.

He nodded once. “Unless there isn’t a connection between the two of you.”