He let his tongue linger in the corner of his mouth as he gave her a heated look. “You walked into that one, baby.” He laced their fingers together before pushing their clasped hands against his denim-clad cock. “Trust me. My ego isn’t what I need you to stroke.”

Chapter Seven

They were locked in this moment, this extraordinary and telling moment. And her hand was on his dick.

She didn’t fondle or stroke him. She didn’t dig her fingernails into the denim he wore or release his stretching zipper. Instead, she left her hand where he had placed it, on the thickest part of his pulsing shaft.

For a split second, Drina was torn between right and wrong. She wondered if Zak might have arranged this meeting with Dallas and if so how much had he planned out from start to finish, but contemplation simply vanished when Dallas placed his hand on the back of her head and pulled her into a ravenous kiss.

His tongue parted her lips. He thrust inside her mouth as if he already had so much familiarity, too much knowledge about how she liked to be kissed or how she might kiss him in return. He gripped her hair and pulled her head back, smothering her lips with his until she was breathless and completely incapable of making a rational decision.

If Dallas wanted her, he could have her and that thought alone terrified her. She adored Zak. She loved him with all her heart yet here was this man, his brother, kissing her with such fervor that she wasn’t sure she could stop him if he wanted something more from her.

“That’s it, baby,” Dallas crooned, pausing long enough to leave a trail of kisses up her cheek. “Just relax and let me have you.”


Before she could say anything else, he returned to her mouth, nipping at her lips, kissing her with such indescribable hunger and profound intensity. All she could think about was fucking him, soothing that burn inside her, the burn that Zak had refused to cool. She shrugged away the thought and framed Dallas’s face with her hands, rising up to her knees and cradling his cheeks.

He pulled back, came forward, and pulled away once again. Each time they paused, their ragged breaths rang out around them.

“Fuck me, Drina,” Dallas said, pushing her back to the ground and coming over her.

He topped her with his body and she locked her legs around his hips, grinding against him, dying to get close, needing to feel something more than the weakened state of unsatisfied lust, but knowing—just downright knowing—that this was precisely what Zak had arranged.

Dallas pushed her shirt over her breasts and unhooked the front clasp of her bra. Blinding lust held her captive as he buried his face in her breasts, suckling one aroused nipple and then the other. His mouth went on tour and she arched in his arms, loving the way his lips scorched her flesh, left her hot and wet wherever they traveled. Again, he returned to her breasts. He pulled one tight bud between his teeth and looked up at her, watching her lose control, seemingly aware of just how far they would soon go.

He cupped one breast, his thumb tweaking her nipple until pain and pleasure collided in a mix of outstanding need. Her hips shot off the ground and Dallas’s fingers were there, unsnapping her jeans, unzipping the front, and pulling her panties down low enough to wedge his hand between her undergarment and her pussy.

She gasped, understanding if he touched her intimately, if he fingered her, then she would be lost in an abyss of desire that would undoubtedly lead to a grand finale, complete satisfaction. He kissed her belly and inched lower. At the same time, he twisted her nipple and a silent scream fell from her lips as shards of arousing pain shot through her breast and left her gasping for air.

He thrust his fingers inside her then, rising over her and watching as she writhed under the pressure. “That’s it, Drina. Squeeze my fingers like you’ll ride my cock, baby.”

He pushed inside her again. This time he lodged three fingers inside her while his pinky stroked the delicate skin right below her entrance.

Her head rolled from side to side. She’d never known such forbidden pleasure, such inexplicable desire.

Dallas thrust again and this time, he lowered his mouth to hers and whispered, “I’m going to fuck you with my fingers until you come, Drina.”

She shook her head. “I…can’t.”

“You can,” he whispered, nipping at her lips before lowering his head to her breasts again. His arm pumped in rapid succession. He drove those firm digits higher and higher as he finger-fucked her into incredible madness.

She flattened her feet on the ground and hauled her body up

and away from the grass, pumping her hips faster and faster. He delivered thrust after thrust, a pause here or there to tease her, to make her work for the finale, to make her long for completion.

He bit her nipple, playfully nipping at the underside of her full breast before lowering his head to her ribs and stomach, going lower and settling between her legs. He never stopped long enough to make her think he would do anything more than finger fuck her into a satisfying orgasm.

“Dallas.” Her hands were fussing with his hair now.

“Tell me,” he crooned, kissing the skin right above the area where her snapped jeans had gathered. His tongue swiped back and forth. He lifted his gaze and stared at her with pure mischief in his eyes. “I need to hear you say it.”

“Let me come,” she whispered, admiring the dark and lazy look in his eyes, the temptation, the lust, and all the things he represented.

Dallas was trouble. And she would lose a large piece of herself to him just as she’d already willingly given herself to Zak, to the man who’d excitedly told her that he wanted to watch her fuck his brother.

As if Dallas sensed her pulling away from him, he slowed his hand. His fingers stayed locked inside her cunt, but he didn’t move them. He watched her then as if he expected her to tell him to stop. And while she wouldn’t let him go down on her, they had come too far to turn back now. She’d known heightened lust, desire in the nth degree.