gue over her lips too. “Because from what I understand, you’re the man who gets to go first.”

Her comment was as unexpected as that soulful look in her eyes, that wantonness in her voice. She pushed up from the ground and was on her feet in an instant.

His first instinct was to follow her down to the river where she quickly collected her horse. Instead, he leaned back on his right elbow, crossed one leg over the other and just checked her out.

“It’s odd, you know.” She petted her horse instead of leading the old mare back up the sloping hill. “Being here with you like this without Zak.”

“He knows I’m here,” Dallas said, thinking he should’ve gotten that little tidbit out of the way long before now.

“I thought so,” she said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “Did he send you down here to fuck me?”

Dallas threw his head back and laughed. “God no. Is that what you think?”

“Why wouldn’t I think that?” She slowly pursued him then, walking carefully up the incline and releasing the horse’s reins right before she reached him. “Will I be the first one the two of you have shared?”

“I think that’s a question for Zak.”

“So…how does this work then?”

Dallas used his thumb to scratch the area between his eyes. He wiggled his legs and wished like hell Zak hadn’t put him in this predicament today. He hadn’t had sex in a good month of Mondays and the last few women he’d taken to his bed didn’t hold a candle to Drina.

“Let me guess, I need to ask Zak.” She turned then as if she might have had every intention of walking back down to the river, but Dallas took one look at her fine ass and made a pretty quick decision himself.

Without hesitation, he rose to a seated position, locked his hand around her wrist and pulled her to his lap. “I don’t care what you ask Zak or what you tell him. He can’t dangle a carrot in front of a hungry man and then cry wolf when that man decides to pull up a chair and take a bite of what he hopes will soon become a daily meal.”

“Is that what you think he’ll do?” She stared at his lips, acting as if she wanted the first kiss, maybe even craved it.

“What’s that?” Dallas dragged his thumb around the shape of her mouth, contemplating the best time to assault those puckered lips, claim and brand them as his. He wanted to learn everything about her, how she tasted when the excitement was new or how she backed away from a kiss once the passion had fizzled.

“Will he cry wolf?”

“Depends,” Dallas said.

“On what?”

Dallas slowly ran his fingers between her breasts again. “On how far you’re willing to let me go.”

“I don’t think I’m the one who decides that. Am I?”

“You always have a choice, Drina…with me…with Zak…even with Hales.”

“You make it sound like Hales is a faint consideration, but not really part of the overall plan.”

“You don’t have a connection with Hales.”

“How do you know?”

He chuckled. “Oh I know. I picked up on body language, yours and his.”

“Why does Zak do this?” Her face lost its color and for a minute Dallas was afraid she might cry. “I mean, he says he loves me.”

“He loves you.”

“Then why would he share me with you?”

“Am I that bad?”

“I have a feeling I don’t need to stroke your ego.”