“So there you have it.” Drina reined in her mount and waited on her sister to catch up to her at the river. “Start to finish. That’s how it all went down.”

“Are you nervous?” Coco asked.

“A little,” she said, sliding off the roan mare she’d been riding.

Coco followed suit, dismounting and giving her horse enough leeway to walk down to the river for a drink of water.

They sat on the riverbank and kept loose reins on their horses, watching them as they grazed. There was so much Drina wanted to ask Coco but she wasn’t sure what Zak would want her discussing with her sister. He’d already told her Coco’s relationship with his brothers was much different than what he wanted with her.

“He wants me to fuck Dallas.”

“You’re kidding me.”

“No,” she said, a little disturbed but also turned on by the idea.

“He’s easy on the eyes,” Coco said. “And I actually walked in on him about a year ago. He had a gal pinned to the wall fucking her until she screamed for mercy.”

“Sounds like a real champ,” Drina muttered, not thinking so at all.

Coco laughed. “Trust me. I’m anything but traumatized by the event.” She let go of an ear-piercing whistle. “God bless. I believe I could even do Dallas. He’s got one fine ass. I told Brandon about it.”

“You did?” Drina felt her face tighten. “And he wasn’t jealous?”

“Remember how these guys think, Drina. They’ve all seen one another fucking at the club.” She shrugged. “I’m sure a few of them have watched me with Brandon, Kurt, and even Liam. It doesn’t bother me. Sex is a natural part of life.”

Drina plucked a blade of grass and twisted it in her fingers. “So did he see you?”

“Dallas?” Coco threw her head back and laughed. “I don’t think he did, but the chick did. She kept trying to push him away but then she’d drag him back and scream an ooh or ah!”

“I’ll bet.” The whole image Coco painted sounded kinky as hell. “Did he—”

“Shit, Drina, you’re talking to me here. Did he have a big cock? Oh yeah. I’m beginning to think it’s a Blazier family trait.”

Drina didn’t offer a comment but considering what she’d seen the night before, she would tend to agree. “He says he’s a masochist.”

“Who? Dallas?” Coco rolled her eyes. “Psht. Dallas isn’t a masochist.”

“No, I mean Zak. And please don’t repeat that. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“No, you shouldn’t tell things your Dominant tells you. Everything between you is sacred now, Drina.” She reached over and hugged her. “But your secret is safe with me.”

“Yeah, I know,” Drina said, still fixated on what Coco had said about watching Dallas fuck.

“By the way, have you talked to Gemma lately?” If a Baldini needed to change the subject, all they needed to do was mention Gemma, the troubled sister with attitude.

“She said she wouldn’t be home tonight. She’s staying out at the Nolichucky cabin with the McDowells and some of their friends. They’re going rafting tomorrow.”

“Sounds like a good time. She needs to be around friends. Her drinking has gotten out of hand.”

“Her drinking is out of hand and has been for a while,” Drina said. “When things don’t go her way, she opens up a bottle and drinks it dry.”

“I’m not around her much. She isn’t home as often as you might think. She’s been spending more and more time out at the McDowells’. I don’t think she wants you to know.”

“Why is that?” Coco asked.

“She thinks you disapprove.”

“I used to disapprove of a lot of things. Life has a funny way of making a gal take a second look at certain situations.”