
“What did you say?”

“Is it important to you?”


He took a deep breath. “He knows I want to watch you fuck him before I take you for myself.”

“What?” The word fell from her lips as if it were dropped on the ground at his feet. “Why?”

“In many ways I’m a masochist. That said, I would never hurt you. Do you believe me?”

“Yes, but I don’t understand why this would be something you’d want.”

“For me, it’s a mind-fuck. I get off on it.”

“You would ‘get off’ on watching your brother fuck me before you do?”

“Absolutely and it’s not because I want you less than you maybe want me but it’s because it will make me want you all the more.” If she was as crazy about him as he believed, she too, would want him with a crazier kind of lust.

“Then why not put me with Hales first?”

“That’s too easy. You and Dallas will be better suited anyway. Trust me.”

“You’re asking me to take a huge leap of faith.”

“But not without guidance,” he reminded her. “I’ll be with you every step of the way.” He was taking that same leap of faith.

He unhooked the choker. “Will you be mine, Drina Baldini?”

“Will you be mine, Zak Blazier?” she asked, a little play in her voice.

“I’ve been yours since the day I first saw you dance.”

“And I’m yours. However, wherever, whenever, or with whomever, I suppose,” she said, grinning at the last part.

“Stand up and turn around.”

She did as he asked.

“Hold up your hair.”

He slipped the choker around her neck, hooking the latch and having a déjà vu moment. Soon, he

would place a small lock on the clasp with an ownership tag to boot. He reached around her neck and ran his fingers around the links and the infinity emblem in the center.

Then, he took her hair and lifted it higher away from her neck, loving the softness of the silken strands brushing over the backs of his hands. He kissed her nape and enjoyed watching the goose bumps as they scattered along her flesh. “You’re mine.”

“Yes,” she said, turning to face him. “But when will I really be yours?”

“That depends on you and how well you advance through your training program.”

“You’re really not going to seal this moment with a legendary fuck or some afternoon lovemaking or—”

He kissed her then and caressed her lips with his whisper. “Soon.”

Chapter Six