“Can I watch?” Dallas moistened his lips. “Or maybe participate?”

To Drina’s surprise, Zak said, “Soon.”

Drina curved her arm around Zak’s neck and held on tight as he took long strides across the kitchen. Before they made it to the door, Coco called out, “Take your time, Zak. Your brothers can cover you and after last night, my sister probably needs a rain check.”

“Couldn’t keep that to yourself, huh?” He pinched her hip. “That’s gonna cost you.”

“I hope so,” Drina said, practically whimpering at the thought of some sort of illicit punishment.

Behind her, she heard Hales probing Coco. Were Drina and Zak serious? Was she in love? Was he? How long had they been together? Were they in the scene? Had they been playing at Paddles and Picnics, the fetish club which apparently appealed to most of the Blazier brothers? Ironically, she didn’t hear much from Dallas and she couldn’t help but wonder. Were Dallas and Zak close? Had Zak confided in Dallas? And was Dallas serious when he’d asked to watch, suggested participating?

“Did you hear that?” Zak asked, smoothing his hand over her thigh as he carried her. “Hales is giving Coco the third degree.”

“Hmmm. Maybe you should keep that in mind next time you turn me down for a good romp.”

“Honey, the main reason I turned you down was because I was exhausted.” He stopped for a minute and kissed her gently on the lips. “And I have something special in mind for you.” He continued walking.

“Are you tired now?” she asked, nicking his earlobe.

“Not at all,” he said, laughing. “But I told you last night. I’m interested in making an honest woman out of you. And that hasn’t changed.”

“You’re serious.”

“I wouldn’t joke about this.”

“Don’t you think we should discuss this more than just casually and in passing?”

“What are we doing right now?” He topped the stairs and took a quick left, taking long strides to his room.

“Talking,” she said, wishing his lips were on hers, devouring her, moving lower, hovering over a nipple, teasing and taunting her.

“We’re gonna do a little more than talk today, pretty lady.” He squatted low and turned the doorknob with the hand he’d used to support her back. Then, he carried her across the threshold.

Oh God. She was thinking threshold, wedding, honest woman, and all of it was beginning to make her jittery. In fact, she couldn’t think in those terms.

She had been the Baldini sister who had always vowed she wouldn’t marry. Marriage had ruined her parents’ relationship. If her mother hadn’t married her father, she wouldn’t have ended up face down in the swimming pool.

Zak reached behind his hips and locked the door before he slowly released her. For a minute, he just stared at her like he could eat her up and then his expression changed from raw and masculine to kind and gentle.

In front of her stood the rarest of men, the kind of man who could give a woman a look and she could instantly read him, understand what he was thinking, what he was plotting and scheming. Then again, if the looks didn’t do it, his body would give him away every single time.

“Is that package for me or are you saving it for a special occasion?” Her mouth watered. Her gaze dipped. Good Lord in heaven above, he had a nice frontal bulge and she wasn’t about to play it safe with Zak now. They’d been dating long enough, playing this do-we-or-don’t-we game. She wanted to play by different rules now. The kind of rules that left everyone a winner.

“Come here,” he said, a guttural edge in his voice.

It was then when she realized she’d begun to back away, cowardly search for some space. And she was anything but a coward, especially where Zak was concerned.

“Drina,” he said evenly. “I said come here.”

Her skin heated. Her nipples spiked. What the heck was happening here?

“Under normal circumstances, if a man said, ‘I said come here’ to a Baldini woman, he would be considered lucky if he kept his nuts.”

He lifted his head and narrowed those beautiful eyes. He wanted to train her. She could see it, feel it, and damn near taste it.

Instead of arguing or making a smart comment, she went to him. She went to him with eagerness driving her, remembering how he’d made her feel the night before, how she’d watched him pull at his cock, wear his prick out with an eager and rough hand. When he couldn’t achieve results, he’d called her, dialed her number and discovered she’d been right there with him, watching him, wanting him more than a pregnant woman craved a pickle smothered in mustard.

Her mouth puckered and watered at the comparison.