Page 79 of Can This Be Love?

Pitajee and I turned around to face her at the same time.

‘Kasturi,’ she said, her face grave, ‘if Purva is truly lost, you will lose him but not the memories. The memories will haunt you, day and night, and whoever you finally end up with will never be as good as the memories in your heart. Do yourself a favour – spare yourself the torture, and go fight for him.’

I knew that Anu was speaking from first-hand experience. Pitajee shuffled his feet and stared uncomfortably at the floor.

‘He will reject me again,’ I said, feeling it in my bones.

‘Then you go to him again. You don’t stop till the world ends,’ she said, dramatically slapping the di

ning table.

The three of us stared at the table which rattled its indignant dissent.

‘Come on,’ said Pitajee, gently pulling me by the arm

‘Come where?’

‘To AIIMS. You have to fight him to get him, kid.’

11.00 p.m.

As I ambled along the corridor leading to Purva’s office, I was too scared of how the night was going to end to notice Ravi Singh. Ravi Singh, however, almost doubled up in shock when he saw me approach.

‘Kasturi Didi? Cake? Right now?’

‘No cake,’ I moaned to Ravi Singh. He was almost as good a buddy now as, say, Vikram. ‘I wish I had come to leave cake.’



‘Oh.’ His eyebrows shot up.

‘I don’t know where this will go, Ravi Singh. I wish I could help you win more money but I can’t,’ I said ruefully.

‘I don’t care about the money, Didi,’ he said in a low voice. Startled, I looked up at the concerned face of the Bollywood-crazy Ravi Singh and felt my throat tighten. Ravi Singh nodded towards Purva’s office. ‘Dr Dixit just went into his cabin.’

‘Does he have rounds?’




I took a deep breath.

‘Is he inside?’


‘Okay,’ I said and stood at my spot.

‘I think you should go inside, Kasturi Didi.’

‘I think so too,’ I said and stood still.

‘Now?’ prodded Ravi Singh.