I smile and say, “Just three months. But yes, we’re just about done. Right now we’re working on getting all our authors together for a celebratory party. We’ve got a few clients flying in, but thankfully a lot of them live in New York, so that makes it easier on us. I’m also grateful I don’t have to plan this thing because it’s huge.”

I can’t imagine throwing something together like this. Out of the three of us kids, Tyler was always the more organized one. He’s the one that managed to put together a string of restaurants across the country, as well as starting another business on the side.

Luckily for me, Kristen spared me and decided to give the responsibility to someone else. This has allowed me more time to focus on what really matters. Liam.

It blows my mind, the effect he has on me. For the past few months, we’ve been talking nearly every day, keeping up to date with each other. I love these conversations, but what’s taking a toll on me is the idea of meeting him in person for the first time. I know that he’ll be arriving any time this week, and that fact turns my stomach into mush. I want to be nonchalant about this, but after everything we’ve talked about and done together, it’s more than just meeting the author of a book I’m working on.

It’s been far too long since I’ve been this excited about a man, and I remind myself to keep it all contained. So far, I’ve kept this secret to myself, and it’s been slowly driving me insane. I would love to talk to Britney or Mom about Liam, but I know if I let them know who he was and what our relationship entailed, they’d try and talk me out of this. Britney might be a little more lenient, but I know Mom wouldn’t have it. She’d never been one for risky situations. In her eyes, this would all seem too scandalous for her. She’s always preferred to watch the drama from afar and not provide her friends with any of her own personal mess to gossip about.

So, I’ve bitten my tongue for the past three months, struggling to work through all the emotions Liam puts me through. Despite it all, I do want to see him. I want to be able to touch him and talk to him and kiss him. I feel like a schoolgirl crushing on a boy who looked my way once in the hallways, and I’ve fallen completely in love with that feeling.

After brunch, I kiss Mom on the cheek and head back to the office to get started on the rest of my afternoon. Kristen may have spared me with the party organization, but because we’re down two co-workers as they make endless calls to caterers and live performers, the rest of us at the office needs to pick up the slack.

I give a small wave to a few editors on the way to my office, closing my door and taking a seat at my desk. As usual, I spend a good amount of time going through my emails, responding to a few concerned authors about the fine details of this event. Just as I get settled in and ready to spend some time going through another manuscript, there’s a knock at my door.

“Come in,” I ca

ll out.

A man enters the rooms with a bouquet of flowers, a cheerful smile on his face. “Delivery for Harlow Knight!”

“Oh,” I say, standing and gesturing to the desk. “Uh—I guess you can put them right here.”

He sets the vase down on my desk. Before he can get too far, I grab my purse and tip him with a ten dollar bill. “Thank you so much,” he says with a smile. I walk him back to the elevator, then return to my office.

The bouquet is gorgeous, stuffed full of various pink and red roses, carnations, and daisies. Sitting atop is a little card with the delivery company’s monogram on it. I flip it open.

“Excited to meet you after all these late nights of work. -L.”

An embarrassed blush creeps up my face, and I bite down on my thumbnail, holding in a goofy smile. Liam never really came off like the romantic type, but it’s clear I’ve been underestimating his ability to do something this sweet. The knock at the door startles me.

“Hey, pretty lady,” Kristen says, leaning against the frame. “You didn’t tell me you were seeing anyone.”

As I turn around, I slip the note in my pocket. “I’m not, actually. These are from my brother Tyler. We had a little fight, and he wanted to make it up to me.”

Kristen nods. “Damn, I thought we were going to have a little gossip for the office. A guessing game. ‘Who is Harlow dating?’ Either way, they’re beautiful.”

I look back at the flowers and smile. “Aren’t they?”

She turns to leave but stops and spins back around. “Oh, I meant to tell you. We’ve sent Liam Daniels’ manuscript to copy editors, so make sure to let him know where we are with that. He’s sent a few emails my way,” she chuckles.

“Will do. Talk to you in a bit,” I say. She waves and closes the door.

When I’m sure we’re alone, I take a seat at my desk and pull the flowers toward me, deeply inhaling their scent. It’s refreshing in the best way possible. I reach for my phone and dial his number, curious to see if he’s landed in New York yet. He answers on the second ring.

“Afternoon, beautiful,” he says. “Did you get my flowers?”

“I did. They’re stunning. Thank you for thinking of me.”

“It’s hard not to, Harlow.”

“Are you in town right now?”

“Yup, I just landed a few hours ago,” he says. “But I don’t want to see you until the party. I want our first time meeting to be special. Plus, I really just want to see you in a gorgeous dress.” He laughs.

“If I’m getting all dolled up, then you need to as well. I’m talking tuxedo, fancy tie, the whole nine yards. No lumberjack chic anymore.” Liam has let his beard grow out these past few months, and while I think it’s sexy, he’s just shy of becoming unruly.

“Fine, I’ll make sure I look pretty for you, baby. Promise me something,” he says.