I can’t stop thinking about what Liam said three days ago. He’d never cheated on a woman. He’d added a little more scandal to his books to make it exciting, and I’d been so stupid to think it was all real. I wanted to slap myself on the forehead and hide from embarrassment.

As frustrating as it had been to see Liam walk into my office, I was grateful that he did. With everything going on with Destiny and the constant fear I live in, having someone there who knew about this threat is a relief. Am I ready to accept him and move back toward what we had? I don’t know yet.

There's still a part of me that wants him more than anything. That cried when he left my office, overcome with so many emotions that I couldn't process them all. No relationship has ever been this dramatic, and I'm exhausted from it all. At this point, I don't know what I want. I want him, and I don't. I hate him and I…

No, I can’t even finish that thought. Admitting it, saying out loud just how strong I feel, sounds like the scariest thing in the world.

And in the midst of opening up to him about my feelings and my fear, I didn’t even get the last few chapters from Liam. He told me he needed a few more rewrites, a few more days to fix everything, and I was too tired to fight with him. Instead, I had to tell Kristen that there were some issues with the ending and we’re going to work on them.

She seemed a little disappointed, but I know she’ll move past it and won’t hold it against me. Liam can charm any woman into giving him a little leeway.

On Friday, I start the morning trying not to think about everything going on with Liam and me. I haven't heard back from him yet, but two hours after he left my office earlier this week, he texted me that everything was going to be okay. He was going to make changes and fix it all. I have to believe him because the alternative—where he doesn't get a hold of Destiny and put a stop to this—is too terrifying.

I grab a few coffees for everyone at work, marching in with a big smile on my face. My coworkers graciously accept them, complimenting my hair and the simple blue dress I've picked out for today. As I toss the drink carrier, the door to Kristen's office opens, and she wordlessly beckons me forward.

“Shit,” I whisper.

Kristen doesn't look happy at all. I can't even get a read on her expression. Suddenly I'm filled with fear, each step toward her office reminiscent of a prisoner walking toward the execution room. This is it for me.

She closes the door behind me, then instructs me to take a seat. Rather than letting my emotions get the best of me and breaking down crying, I straighten up my back and sit in the chair facing her desk. I'm not going to start sniveling and begging for my job. I did this to myself, and I have to take my punishment.

“I spoke with Liam this morning,” she says, cutting into the heavy silence.

“Did you?”

“He sent over the last few chapters of the book.”

I blink in surprise. That’s news to me. “He did?”

“You haven’t read it?”

“No,” I say, leaning forward. Kristen slides a stack of papers toward me.

“Just flip to the last page of the final chapter.”

I do as she says. My eyes are quick, and I read faster than I’ve ever read before. My eyes grow wide when I reach the final paragraph. I read aloud, “he gave everything up for the woman he loved. No matter the consequences. No matter how his ex-girlfriend looked at him with disdain. No matter the whispers about their affair. He’d never felt this way about a woman. Grace was special. She was worth losing it all.”

I shake my head. “I don’t understand. This isn’t how the book ends. It ends with them breaking up for the good of everyone. I have no idea what this even is.”

Kristen smiles. “I didn't either. I thought this was the end to a different book, but when I called Liam, we had a long talk, and he told me this was how the book should've ended. Though it's based off his real life and how he ended things with his ex, he felt differently now. He'd never understood what it felt like to be willing to risk it all. Not until he met you.”

I’m too stunned to say anything at all. All I can do is look down at the paper in my hands, watching as tiny drops dot the page, my tears warping the letters. Kristen hands me a Kleenex. I take a moment to wipe my eyes.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper.

“It’s okay, I have another copy.”

“No,” I say, “I'm sorry for not telling you. You promoted me to the senior editor, and I did something like this. I should've never gone down this road. I crossed the line with a client and now…”

“Harlow, look at me.”

It takes everything I have to meet Kristen’s eyes.

“You are one of the hardest working people I've ever met. You give your all to these authors. You send editorial letters damn near the size of their manuscripts. You're thorough and insightful, and you have the unique ability to see something special in the smallest things. I hired you because of all of those things. While I do agree that you and Liam have an inappropriate relationship, from what I've seen, that hasn't hindered your

work in the slightest. Aside from this mess involving the ending of Liam's book, you've been on time with every deadline. You two work together better than I've seen anyone work in my fifteen years in this business.”

I know if Liam were here, he’d be beaming with pride. Compliments like that were his bread and butter. Hell, I couldn’t even hide the fact that my stomach fluttered at such praise.