“You sound like me.” Our eyes meet briefly, and I can feel the oxygen being sucked from my office. My dick hardens in my pants as I watch her.

Her breath briefly hitches before she recovers and glances back at the summary on my desk. “So do you have any ideas?”

Grateful for the distraction I take a seat once again and glance at the blank screen. “A few,” I lie easily.

Riley laughs and takes a small sip of scotch. “You don’t have anything, do you?”

I cringe at being caught out. “I have you.”

The words hang between us. Her cheeks flush, and for a moment I wish the words were true. I have never been inappropriate with an employee other than my brief affair with Lisa, but what was brewing between Riley and me held a lot more emotion than I had ever had with Lisa. This is different. This has substance.

A smug grin spreads across her face as she picks up a pencil and holds it over a blank page. “Then let’s get started.”



I bite into the juicy slice of pizza and mentally sigh. If Branson hadn’t already surprised me with the scotch, he did with the pizza. Extra cheese and pepperoni, is there anything better in life?

We’ve been brainstorming for almost three hours, and although we’ve come up with a few good ideas, none of them are great. According to Branson, he wasn’t presenting anything if it wasn’t to his standard, which I understand.

As the flavors fill my mouth, I wonder what he tastes like. Working with him is an exciting, unexpected challenge. His ideas are fresh, and he forces me to think outside of the box. I must admit, my own creativity is slightly stumped by his presence.

He tugs his tie loose, revealing the sexy spot at the base of his throat. I try my best to focus on my pizza, but I can’t stop watching him.

“It’s going to be great,” Branson says almost to himself as he grabs another slice from the box.

My heart skips a beat only to return to its regular rhythm when I realize he’s talking about the design, not having sex.

The attraction simmering between us is dangerous, and if we give in to this need that has practically brought me to my knees, I know it will be earth-shattering. More than likely, he’ll break me.

“It will be,” I concede wiping a drizzle of cheese from chin with a napkin.

Branson’s eyes follow the movement making me squirm with desire in my chair.

Focus, Riley, focus! I reprimand myself and glance at the variety of slogans, and sketches that lay scattered on his desk.

All of them were good, but like Branson said, none of them were significant. “If this whole line is based on affordability, it won’t be aimed at a high-income group, right?”

Branson nods and takes another bite of pizza. “It’s basically an alternative for people who want to wear Fitness Trainers but can’t afford the heavy price tag.”

My mind switches into gear, and I feel excitement bubbling in my veins. I sit forward on my seat as an idea starts brewing. “So it’s not really aimed at the older age-group. It would be more aimed at college students, teenagers or young athletes still trying to make a name for themselves?”

He puts the half-eaten slice of pizza back in the box and wipes his mouth with a napkin before nodding. “Yes, what are you thinking Riley? I can see the wheels spinning in that pretty head of yours.”

I ignore the compliment and start scribbling on another piece of paper. “I’m thinking we’re going at this the wrong way. We can’t market a budget product to a high-income group. We need to dumb down the campaign to reach the target audience.”

Branson frowns at me confused. “Dumb it down?”

“I mean, with your previous campaigns you’ve focused on the quality and the endurance of the shoe. With this campaign, we need to focus on something that will click with a younger group on a limited budget.”

“I think you’ve got something there.” Branson takes out the summary and looks at the images of the sneakers. The colors are bold and the design rugged, and remind me of a trail running shoe. “It’s different, it’s new, and it’s off the beaten track…”

As Branson trails off a light bulb switches on in my mind. I can literally feel it lightning up and heating my blood with excitement. “Branson, that’s it!”

“What?” Branson asks looking at me with a confused expression.

I move around his desk, and he pushes himself away from his computer, allowing me to demonstrate. I open up the company’s stock images and start searching for what I want.