“Yes. Branson, just for a few days to let me get used to the idea before you go shouting it from the company’s newsletter.”

Branson chuckles and shakes his head as he starts cutting into his New York strip. “Fine, but just a few days.” As he bites the meat off his fork, his eyes are taunting me. Why did I have a feeling I just unleashed a caged tiger? “It would make for good reading though.”

I giggle and cut into my steak.

Later, as Branson sit beside me in the cab, I can feel the anticipation build in my belly. I know exactly what I want for dessert, I think to myself as I slide my hand up his thigh. Branson groans and glares at me with a look that melts my panties instantly.

As the cab draws up in front of my building, I rush out, eager to have him to myself.

He follows me out of the cab, but instead of following me into the building he grabs my arm and crushes me against the side of the building. His thick arousal presses into my heat as he destroys me with an intoxicating kiss. I feel my knees weaken for a moment until he suddenly steps back with a wicked grin. “Remember, Riley? We’re taking it slow.”

He heads back to the cab and gets in. The car quickly turns back into traffic and drives away, leaving me standing in front of my building; panties drenched, knees weak, and mouth hanging agape.




“Branson? Do you have a minute?” I lift my head from the profit and loss report in front me at the sound of Lisa’s voice. She’s standing just inside the door of my office. Curious, I let my eyes trail over her business suit and platinum hair and feel nothing.

Not even a hint of a stir.

I wonder why I was ever attracted to her as I gesture for her to step into my office.

She takes a seat and checks her manicure, giving me a minute to get lost in my thoughts. Riley is the first thing that comes to mind, a new habit of mine. My cock is already throbbing at the thought of leaving the office early. We have taken it slow long enough. Two days was my limit, I needed my Riley fix, and I was getting it tonight.

Lisa clears her throat bringing me back to the present. I meet her gaze and feel irritated by the condescending look she gives me.

“Branson, this is hard for me to say, but as your Creative Director I feel I need to be honest with you.” Her voice drips with honey, but I know its really acid.

“Fine, be honest.” I huff, I already don’t like where this was going.

“Rumors are floating around about you and Riley Harper.” Lisa’s eyes drop to her lap as she says Riley’s name.

My temper fizzes at her words. I’ve promised Riley to take it slow, and I’ve kept my word. I haven’t told anyone about our relationship. So where the fuck was Lisa getting this? I crack my knuckles as I tilt my head. “What about Riley and me?”

Lisa sighs and her shoulders sag, but I can see straight through the act. She’s enjoying every fucking minute of this. “People who are saying that you and Riley have been seeing each other.”

I smirk. Riley and I have been doing much more than just seeing each other. Lisa’s eyes widen at my smirk, she knows she’s overstepping.

“I know things have been strained between us, but I know you would never do this to me, Branson. I know you have more respect for me than to see someone right under my nose.” Emotion gathers in her voice, and I’m tempted to throw her out on her ass.

We haven’t been together in almost eight months, and she’s still holding out hope for some kind of fucked up fictional relationship. “Lisa, we’re not together.”

“Oh good.” She sighs, relieved. “I knew the rumors were just that.”

“Lisa,” I say, slamming my hand down on my desk causing the stapler to bounce and fall over. “You and me aren’t together. I don’t owe you any answers.” I wave impatiently at the space between us.

Her eyes widen before they shine with tears. “Are you seeing Riley?”

I consider telling her the truth, but I remember Riley’s plead of not telling anyone yet. If I admitted our affair to Lisa, it would be all over the company within minutes, and Riley would be judged by it. “No.”

“I believe you, Branson. But I’ve heard things about her that would make you shiver in your boots. She’s not like us.”

I clench my teeth as I consider telling Lisa that Riley is a wonderful person, but I’m not pouring gas on a blazing forest fire.

“Lisa, I’m going to say this once. So you better listen closely.” I rest my hands on the desk between us as I lean closer. My voice drops to a dangerously low octave. “You and I fucked a few times for a few months, but that was long ago. It was over even before it started.” I wait for the words to sink, letting pause stretch into a minute. “I’ll let today slide because of you’re position, but I want to make this goddamn crystal clear. If you ever step into my office confronting me about my personal life again, you’ll be out on your fucking ass so fast, it’ll feel like you’ve been dropped thirty stories.”