I let the words hang between us and watch Riley’s jaw drop. Exactly the reaction I had hoped for.

Laughing, I stand up and walk to the door. When I turn around, I notice this time Riley’s the one staring after me with her mouth wide open.



It’s been a little over a month since I’ve been working on the 35th floor. Every Wednesday I meet Tammy for lunch, and she fills me in on the office gossip since I’m practically working in the clock tower. As soon as I walk into the little cafe, she smiles and waves me over. We order our food and as we wait outside, I know she’s dying to get the scoop. Soon, it’s being delivered, and I can’t wait to eat. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until the plate is sitting in front of me.

“So is he as hot as everyone says he is?” Tammy asks me as we soak up a little sunshine.

I nearly choke on the bite of my sandwich. “Who says he’s hot?” I ask feigning innocence.

Tammy laughs shaking her head. “Boy, you’ve either been busy or isolated or both. Everyone who has ever had the opportunity to talk to Branson Carter says he’s the hottest guy ever, which includes the two guys that sit across from me. He barely steps out of his ivory tower, and I’ve only seen him from a distance.”

If I deny that Branson is hot, Tammy will pick up that I’m hiding something. If I agree too enthusiastically, she’ll pick something up as well. In the six weeks since I’ve started working at BPC Advertising, I’ve learned that Tammy doesn’t miss a thing. I decide on going for the middle ground. “He’s attractive if that’s what you mean. In a mysterious, powerful type of way.”

“So he’s hot?”

I laugh and shake my head. “Okay, if that’s the word you want to use. I guess he’s hot.”

“Urgh, I am so jealous. Here I am stuck with the ice princess, and you’ve got the hot prince to ogle.”

“I barely see him,” I lie. If I told Tammy that I see Branson on a daily basis and that every exchange we have is filled with sexual innuendos, she’d probably warn my how dangerous it is. At this stage, Tammy is the only friend at work I have. I think everyone in the Creative Department sees me as trouble especially after being moved to the 35th floor on my second day.

“At least you see him. I almost fled for my life yesterday. Lisa came over to my desk and asked me how much I valued my job.”

“What?” I ask surprised. From what little I’ve heard, Tammy’s really great at her job.

“Yup, that’s right. After accepting I was being fired, I just shrugged and told her if she didn’t know how much I valued my job she hasn’t been paying attention.”

“Woah!” I exclaim. I didn’t know Tammy had it in her to be bitchy, especially not to the devil she works for.

Tammy laughs nervously and nods. “Yup, I said exactly that. I think I shocked her so much with my response she forgot why she asked me. She actually turned around and left. I really hope Branson has a furnace at home, I can’t imagine him thawing out the ice princess any other way.”

Lines cross in my head at her words, twisting and sparking with confusion. “What do you mean Branson has to thaw her out?” I try my best to sound casual.

“Boy, you really are in isolation. Branson and Lisa have had a thing for each other for forever. I don’t think they’re dating because I heard he went out with a Victoria’s Secret model a few weeks ago and before her, there was that model from Clarins he took the Big Apple Ad Awards.”

My mind was reeling from the information overload. Here I was thinking me and Branson had a thing going, blissfully unaware of his affairs with other women, including Lisa, the bitch. “Sounds like he gets around.”

“Yeah, he does. Although I think Lisa wants him to herself. Every time Branson dates someone else, she’s a bitch for a week and basically punishes us.”

As the taxis zoom past and people talk around us, I feel my cheeks bloom with anger. How did I not know this? How did I not know that Branson was a player? I was just something that kept him entertained at the office until he left and spent his nights with the ice princess, models, and other executives.

As Tammy continues on about his ruthless dating habits, I feel incredibly stupid. I feel like an idiot for flirting with him. He probably went home and told his woman for the night all about the cute, young girl who’s infatuated with him. They probably laughed about me after they made love. Little mousy Riley flirting with the big boss. Jealousy, powerful and raw, consumes me as I listen to Tammy talk.

“Oh my gosh, look at the time.” I gasp and pull a few dollars out of my purse dropping it on the table. “I completely forgot I had to go to the drugstore. I’ll catch you later.” I stand up and don’t even give Tammy a chance to question my escape. Luckily I’ve noticed there’s a drugstore a block before my work building, but in case she see

s me, I’ll stop in there before heading back to the office.

Any place is better than sitting at that café listening about Branson’s conquests. Tears burn the back of my eyes as my shoes hit the sidewalk at an incredibly fast pace. I will not cry, I admonish myself. I will not cry for a man that kissed me once, that made no promises. I will not cry for a man that treats me like a toy.

I repeat this mantra over and over again as I walk back to work. By the time I reach my office on the 35th floor my embarrassment has blossomed into full-blown anger. The playful banter was a thing of the past. From now on Branson will only get from me what he pays me for, creative designs. Nothing more, nothing less.

It’s Friday morning, and I can’t wait for the weekend to start. I roll my eyes at the realization that I have become one of those people who celebrate weekends. I have always loved being a designer, and I used to love my job. If Tammy hadn’t told me about Branson and his varied affairs two days ago, I would’ve been sad that it’s Friday. That meant an entire two days without Branson.

But I needed the weekend to clear my mind. I needed to get a grip on the green-monster that has taken permanent residence in my heart. It’s like green goo foams from my mouth every time I think of Branson with another woman. Jealousy was a foreign emotion to me. I’ve never been jealous, that’s something I left to possessive and married women. I’m not either, so what was going on with me?