I take a deep breath and remove the blank page that covers my design. Gasps are audible as the executives from Martinez brows furrow and their heads shake from side to side. I’m doomed.

Mr. Carter stands up and smiles proudly, I know it’s just an act, but at least he was trying to look supportive of his designer. “We’ll give you a few minutes to discuss it.”

With that, he signals for me and Lisa to follow him out of the room. We step out and before I could even comprehend what was happening Lisa turns to me with a thunderous glare. “You do know you probably just cost us one of our biggest clients just to make your point. I really hope they’re looking for designers at the neighborhood supermarket because when you leave here today, you won’t be getting a job anywhere else in this time industry.”

“Lisa, calm down. It isn’t over yet. Mr. Carter placates her before he turns to me. “I can’t say that went well because it is yet to be seen. But you handled yourself professionally, Riley.” His eyes travel over my clothes, briefly halting at the top two buttons of my shirt I left undone, before trailing down to my studded black boots. “Nice shoes.”

“Thank you,” I smile and know he’s probably just being polite.

The door eventually opens, and we are invited back inside. As I walk toward my seat in the back, I can’t palpate the direction they had gone. Solemn expressions wait until both Lisa and Mr. Carter are seated.

“Mr. Carter, Miss Weston, Miss Harper, we want to thank you for the design.” A woman in her early fifties says gravely. “With our last campaign, we had considered looking to a new agency for our marketing campaigns, but decided to give you one last chance to prove yourselves.”

I notice Mr. Carter and Lisa’s eyebrows raise; shocked at the revelation that this had been a test from Martinez. I glance at the small coffee table beside me and wonder if I should crawl underneath it. I might have just lost this company a huge contract.

“Unfortunately,” the woman pauses watching Mr. Carter's reaction. “It seems we have wasted our time interviewing new agencies. BPC Advertising has once again proven to be innovative and daring, and we love the idea. It’s brilliant.”

I look up, confident that my ears have betrayed me only to notice everyone was smiling as the woman continues. “It’s exactly what we wanted but could have never imagined. I must say Mr. Carter; you truly have an eye for talented designers. We would like Miss Harper to take the lead on the entire campaign with the same innovation that she’s shown today.”

Lisa audibly gasps at the announcement as a smile spreads across my face. I wasn’t fired. I want to throw a fist pump in the air nut refrain.

“I’d be honored to. Thank you. I’m glad you liked it,” I improvise when I realize both Lisa and Mr. Carter are at a loss for words.

Once the meeting is finished, and everyone has left I collect my canvas with a proud smile. Before turning around, I feel a hand on my arm.

“My office Riley, now,” Mr. Carter says quietly.

Goosebumps tingle all over my body at his touch. Desire coils in my belly as I nod and follow him to the elevator.



“Mr. Carter, I’m so sorry. I don’t know whether to thank you or to apologize. I had no idea so much was riding on today. Thank you for giving me a chance to explain myself and for letting me present the design. I know you didn’t believe it was going to work but you gave me a chance nonetheless…”

“Riley.” I hold up my hand causing her to stop mid-sentence. “Since you’ll be staying on, please call me Branson.”

After what just happened I think it would be safer to keep Riley on the 35th floor until Lisa has calmed down. From experience I know not even a bear woken from hibernation was as dangerous as Lisa in a temper.

“Branson.” Riley nods as she tests my name on her tongue. I love hearing her say it. I want to tell her how impressed and proud I am of her. Instead, I find myself momentarily tongue-tied.

“I knew they’d like it.” She smiles giving me a glimpse of her perfectly straight teeth.

“None of us knew what was hanging in the balance today and I daresay if we didn’t present your concept we would I’ve lost the Martinez contract completely. So it should be me thanking you.”

“I was just doing my job.” Riley grins, clutching to the design as if it is a lifeline.

“No, you were arrogant, willful, and a downright pain in the ass, but you were right.” I concede. She just saved one of our biggest contracts. If I had gone with Lisa’s suggestion and fired her yesterday, we would have lost Martinez today.

Riley laughs. It’s an exhilarating sound after the heavy atmosphere of the boardroom. “I tend to be a pain in the ass. Maybe I should’ve mentioned it in my interview.”

“I’ve noticed.” A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth.

Our eyes meet and the same heat from yesterday resurfaces. Only today Riley doesn’t look like a college freshman with her hair tied up and her face nude of make-up. She looks like a woman. The buttons she has left open on her blouse hint to the soft curves of her breasts. The eyeshadow gives her eyes a smoldering appearance. Light pink lip gloss glints on her lips and for a moment I wonder what it would taste like.

Our smiles fade as the atmosphere in my office grows heavy with desire. I have slept with many w

omen before, but I have never felt such a raw desire before. It claws and scratches to the surface, begging for release. I want to take Riley and ravage each part of her body until she begs for more. I want to hear her screaming my name as I empty myself into her.