I lather my body with the silky bubbles when the buzzer on my timer goes off. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. It doesn’t matter how many lines are on the stick, I know Branson will still love me.

I step out of the bath and wrap myself in a thick fluffy towel, and walk over to the sink.

Excitement and happiness bubbles through my veins as I read the results. My heart beats rapidly in my chest even as my hand settles over my belly protectively. I know I’m supposed to be shocked that I’m pregnant before Branson and I had time to enjoy being a married couple, but I can’t summon any regret.

I close my eyes and see a little boy running toward me with Branson’s eyes and my color hair. Branson lifts him up high and blows raspberries on his tummy, causing a stream of giggles.

No, I don’t regret being pregnant.

I hear the door to the bathroom open and quickly shove the stick into my pocket as I turn around.

“You smell delicious, which reminds me I haven’t had breakfast yet.” Branson starts moving toward me.

He’s insatiable, I’ve discovered. Especially, when it comes to me. He grabs the belt of my robe and draws it out as his eyes focus on mine.

“Did you manage to make your calls?” I ask trying to feign disinterest.

Branson nods and tugs me toward him. His hand closes over my breasts, and he squeezes. I flinch and jump back, causing the stick to fall to the floor.

Branson’s eyes narrow as he bends and picks it up. He studies it for what feels like an eternity as I watch him anxiously. I bite down on my lower lip, waiting for him to say something.

“Riley?” Branson looks at me confused. “Is this what I think it is?”

I nod before I can speak. “Yes.”

“And?” he asks, taking a step toward me.

I close my eyes. “It’s two lines, Branson…”

Branson watches me until finally, a broad smile crosses over his face. “We’re pregnant?”

I nod, elated by his reaction. “Yes. I wasn’t sure what you’d…” I pause. “We’ve never talked about…”

“We don’t need to talk about it, Riley. We made a baby. Our baby.” Branson drags me into his arms and crushes his mouth against mine. “You’ve just made me the happiest man ever.”

Happy tears start to stream over my cheeks. “I wanted to be sure before I told you.”

“Riley, no secrets remember. Besides, this secret is too good to keep to yourself.”

I smile. “You’re happy about this?”

“Of course I’m happy! We’re starting a family. A new life, a new wife, and a new baby. I’ve never been happier. We’ll need to make a list. We’ll need diapers and bottles, and what do you call that pouch you carry the baby around in?”

“Is it called a kangaroo baby pouch?” I ask elated with Branson’s reaction.

“I’m not sure! But we’ll also need a stroller. I’m getting dibs on choosing the stroller. After all, me and little bump will need to take a run in the morning so mommy can get her sleep. I’m the luckiest man on the planet.” Branson kisses me sweetly.

I laugh and shake my head. “What about work? What about my department?”

“You can do as little as much as you want to once the baby is born, it’s up to you. If you want we can even clear an office and put him in there with a nanny. Dibs on choosing the nursery color.” He smirks.

“What do I get dibs on?” I ask with a laugh.

Branson scratches his head and thinks for a moment. “Me, Riley. You get dibs on me and if you ask really nicely I might let you choose the names.”

“How sweet of you. And I’ll take you any day of the week,” I say with a smile.

“Like right now?” He lifts his eyebrows. “I hope we have a girl first. I know she’ll have me wrapped around her little finger from the moment I lay eyes on her.”