Riley shrugs and bundles herself onto the couch before pulling a quilt over her legs. “He’s my neighbor.”

I can see there’s more to the story, but I let it go for now. I need to find out what’s going on. I sit down beside her on the couch and touch her knee. Riley flinches and swats my hand away.

“What do you want, Branson?” Her eyes are thin slits of pure venom, her voice caustic.

“What happened? Am I missing something? Four nights ago everything was fine, and then you just disappear? I checked with Human Resources, and you haven’t called in sick, so what’s going on?”

Riley shrugs and swipes her sleep-ruffled hair out of her face. “I haven’t called them, because I need to type up my resignation.”

My eyes widen, and my fists clench. “Your what?”

“My resignation, Branson. I’m sorry. I’m happy for you, but I’m no one’s second fiddle.”

I grab Riley by the shoulders and shake her. “Riley, either you start making sense, or I’m going to shake some fucking sense into you.”

Riley glares at me. “Does Lisa know you’re visiting sick employees? You better check your leash, Branson. I think you’re stretching it a bit by being here.”

“What the fuck has Lisa got to do with anything?” Confusion fuels my anger.

Riley’s eyes narrow and for a moment she searches mine before she shakes her head.

“You have no idea do you?”

I shake my head and Riley sighs and looks at her hands.

“Just after you got engaged, she cornered me in the ladies room on the 30th floor. After removing about three layers of my skin with her polished claw, she told me that she’s done turning a blind eye to your little escapades. If I knew you and Lisa were together, I wouldn’t have let you touch me, but you kept that secret closely guarded. Closely guarded enough that I was completely blindsided by the engagement. Congratulations. I hope you have a happy life.” Riley’s lifts her head, disappointment shines in her eyes as she glares at me. “You fooled me.”

I shove away from Riley and stand up, pacing her small apartment. I try to sort through everything she had just said, but finally, I don’t even bother, it doesn’t matter. “Riley, this is all bullshit.”

“What?” Riley asks slightly cocking her head.

“It’s bullshit. I dated Lisa for a couple months close to a year ago. She’s a goddamn psycho that’s why I broke it off. I couldn’t fire her because things didn’t work out between us, but ever since then, she’s gone psycho bitch every time I look at someone else. Let me guess she told you all this?” Riley nods and confusion clouds her expression. “Riley, she only did it to come between us. There’s nothing between Lisa and I. There hasn’t been for several months. It’s just you, only you, Riley.”

A tear slips from Riley’s eye as she sniffs. “What about the ring?”

“What fucking ring?” I ask, moving toward her. I reach for her, but she pulls back.

“The big engagement ring she’s modeling around the office?” Riley tucks the blanket tighter around her legs as if she is protecting herself from me. She doesn’t know that blanket doesn’t stand a fucking chance against me.

“If Lisa is wearing a ring, she didn’t get it from me. Riley, you’ve got to believe me.”

“Everyone at work knows about your affair with Lisa. That makes me what exactly? Your convenient fuck buddy on the 35th floor?”

“I don’t care about anybody else. I only care about you. You’re not my fuck buddy. You’ve become so much more, Riley. Don’t you see that?”

Another tear slips down her cheek as she shakes her head. “Lisa was very convincing.”

“So am I.” I grab the blanket off Riley and chuck it onto the floor before I pull her into my arms. She’s hesitant at first, but she finally relaxes in my arms, her head snuggles into my neck, and I hear her softly sigh.

It feels so good to have her close again. I realize that nothing no longer matters, only me and Riley.

She is my home. She’s the woman I want to be with.

“Riley…” I say her name and my heart swells in my chest. “I’ll take care of this whole situation with Lisa. Just promise me one thing?”

“What?” She sighs against my neck.

“That when this is done, you’ll still be mine. No one else is touching you ever again, not even Jose.”