It’s been three days since I walked out. I’m pretty sure that my tear ducts have been severely damaged from overuse. My eyes are swollen and feel like someone swiped some sandpaper over them during the night.

I glance at my phone and notice I have two more missed calls from Branson. I push my face into my pillow and wish I could take it all back, something I’ve done a lot the three days since Lisa scraped the top layer of skin off my skin.

Today I need to start looking for a new job. I’ll probably have to search for a waitressing job if Lisa stays faithful to her word about ruining me, which I don’t doubt.

I switch on the television and reruns of 90’s sitcom start playing on the screen. These faces have become my constant companions. I actually found myself telling them about Branson yesterday and my humiliation of the century.

Tammy has even tried phoning me a few times, but I didn’t trust myself to pick up my phone. I might just tell her what I’ve done and what Lisa did. I close my eyes, and I can actually see her draped around Branson. His blue eyes smokey with desire and her frosty-eyes, shining with love.

It’s actually sickening. I grab the chocolate I didn’t finish yesterday and break off a large piece. I really want ice cream, but I’m not ready to face the world puffy-eyed so the chocolate will do.

My phone buzzes again, I glance at the screen: Branson.

I almost answer it, because I miss him. I want to hear his voice and kiss him again, but I know that’s never going to happen.

I’ve been played, and I won’t let him toy with me any longer. Not because of Lisa’s warning, but because I need to keep what little dignity I have left.



It’s been three days since Riley disappeared off the face of the earth. I’ve never allowed my heart to become involved in my dalliances, but somehow Riley sneaked beneath the impenetrable walls of my heart.

The first day she didn’t show up for work, I suspected that I felt her absence more prominently because we worked together so well. But yesterday I had to face the truth. I missed Riley because I’ve fallen in love with her. Falling in love for the first time was a scary feeling. It’s like your heart squeezes in your chest whenever you think of that person. Your breath hitches when you see them and even when you don’t.

My entire balance is off. It’s as if Riley has taken my equilibrium with her. Nothing felt right, nothing tastes right, and nothing makes sense without her. I walk to her office, her seat glaringly empty.

I considered ringing Human Resources to find out if she called in sick, but didn’t want them to think I was whipped. That was yesterday, this is today. Today I don’t give a fuck, I want to find her.

She hasn’t been answering my calls, not even my texts. Anger bubbles to the surface as I pick up the phone and hit the button for HR.

After a brief exchange, its clear Riley hasn’t called in sick. No one knows where she is or why she hasn’t shown up for work. I try her phone again but only get her voicemail.

“Riley, where the fuck are you?” I shout into the phone before slamming it down.

I know where she lives and it’s clear something is up, so I head to my office and grab my keys.

Today I’m going to see my Riley and this time I’m going to make it clear—she’s mine.

* * *

I knock on her door a few times and listen carefully for any sound of movement inside. All I hear is the deafening sound of a 90’s sitcom blaring through the apartment. I bang my fist a few more times, my knuckles burning from the force.

“I told you, Jose, I’m fine. Just leave me alone,” I hear Riley calling out.

Who the fuck was Jose and why was he checking on my girl?

“Riley, open the fucking door before I kick it down.”

The locks turn, and the door slightly opens revealing a disheveled and puffy-eyed Riley still wearing her pajamas.

“What the fuck happened to you?” I ask as I step inside and kick the door shut. I frame her face with my hands, my heart constricting in my chest at the thought that she might’ve been hurt.

“Nothing,” Riley says, pushing my hands away.”What do you want?”

“Who the fuck is Jose?” I demand rougher than I intend
