I watch the transformation as it happens before my eyes. The first time she flipped a switch on me, it turned me on, but now it just makes me angry as a fucking devil straight out of hell.

The tears are pulled back. Her eyes turn glass-pale even as her mouth quirks into a thin smile. Lisa stands up and rests her hands on the table between us, her face inches from mine. “Let me make this perfectly fucking clear to you, Branson. I will not let you humiliate me. Everyone in this company thinks we’re together, and I’m not letting you prove them wrong by fucking your latest acquisition.”

“Get out of my office,” I say through clenched teeth. If she were a man, my fist would’ve snapped her jaw by now.

Lisa smiles sweetly and glides her fingers through her platinum hair.

“Consider yourself.” She flicks her hair over her shoulder and struts out of my office.

As soon as the door closes, I grab the stapler and haul it across the room against the wall. My temper hasn’t been tested like this in years.

She’s a fucking nutcase. Who the hell was under the illusion that we were together? Sure, I fucked her a few times, we went on a few dates, but that was so long ago, I’ve already forgotten intimidate details.

An uneasy feeling crawls down my spine as I look at the broken stapler on the floor. I don’t have a good feeling about this.

I groan and pinch my eyes closed. Me and my fucking dick. First Lisa and now Riley. I don’t regret Riley, but Lisa… I regret all of it.

I regret hiring her.

I regret fucking her, and now I regret she’s onto Riley and me.

She’s bound to make it a living hell for Riley if her suspicions are confirmed. I squeeze the bridge of my nose and vow to keep a close eye on Lisa, and maybe taking Riley’s advice of taking it slow.

My phone buzzes on the table. I pick it up and smile at the message from Riley.

Riley: My apartment, treasure hunt, and the name of the game is Seek the Heat.

I rub the back of my neck and shake my head as the smile breaks into a laugh. Who didn’t want a girlfriend who sends kinky messages? An iron fist clenches around my heart…did I just use the word girlfriend?

Well shit…



“Oh my God! Did you hear about Weston and Carter? Everyone’s talking about it.” Tammy says, gesticulating with her arms, the mango smoothie in front of her completely forgotten.

“What?” I try to act nonplussed, although my whole system is raging with questions. What is everyone talking about and how am I the last to hear about?

“Seriously? You’re on the same floor? Apparently, she went into his office last night just before his secretary left. The door was closed, and the blinds were drawn.”

“Where did you hear this?” I ask, remembering Branson had said he had a late meeting. He failed to mention his late meeting was with Lisa. I cringe at the text I had sent him, no doubt while he was busy entertaining her. Did he sleep with her? We never discussed not seeing other people, and now I’m questioning everything.

Warring emotions flood my system. When Branson had come over last night, we made love more tender than ever before. Was he really that jaded that he could walk out of his office after having hot office sex with Lisa before coming over to my place? I suddenly yearn for a shower. I need to wash Branson and the Lisa residue off my body.

“His secretary.” Tammy shrugs. “She was about to leave when Weston arrived. She offered her something to drink, but Lisa just told her not to bother they wouldn’t be wasting time with drinks. Needless to say, she left, and we all know what happened in that office.”

My heart clenches in my chest, and my cheeks burn with outrage, but I try my best to hide my reaction from Tammy. Maybe it was nothing, I tell myself.

“Oh,” I say, trying my best to seem uninterested. Even though secretly I want to grab Tammy by the shoulders and force her to tell me everything she knows.

“Yep, and the best part was this morning I noticed Lisa was wearing a ring.”

I cough on my orange juice, not a sweet and innocent clearing your throat cough, but a gut-wrenching, spit flying kind of cough. Surely Tammy didn’t just say a ring?

“Riley, oh my gosh. Are you okay?” Tammy asks, rushing around the table to pat me on my back.

I shake my head and c