Everything about her was different.

I slip on my jacket and glance briefly at my reflection in the mirror before I leave the room. As I cross the thickly carpeted hallway to Riley’s room, I wonder what she’s going to say when I tell her we’re not joining the execs for dinner. Will she be disappointed or will she look forward to having dinner with me?

I knock twice and wait. When she opens the door, my breath catches. She’s wearing a black cocktail dress that hugs her figure suggestively. It ends midway between her hips and her knees, giving me a glorious view of her long, smooth legs. Her hair is loose, cascading in rich ebony waves over her shoulders. The eyeshadow on her eyes making them appear even greener than usual.

“Are you early or am I late? I thought I still had ten minutes to get ready?” She asks me with a smile.

“I’m just on time,” I say, drinking her in. Desire coils in my groin as our eyes meet.

Riley laughs and shakes her head. “Okay, just give me one minute.”

She disappears into the room, leaving me waiting at the door rattled by how gorgeous she looks. A few seconds later she reappears with a clutch in her hand. “I’m ready.”

We walk side by side to the elevator and step inside. As the doors close I feel the oxygen sucked out of the tiny space. Our eyes meet, and for a moment I consider taking her right there. But the elevator whooshes down and the doors ding and open. An old lady and her husband step inside. As soon as the doors close the old lady starts laughing.

“Joe, can you remember when we first got together? It was just like this, we couldn’t wait to be alone.”

The husband chuckles and kisses her briefly on the cheek. “I still can’t wait to get you alone.”

I watch the exchange before glancing at Riley who is blushing furiously. I wait for her to correct them, to tell them that we aren’t together, but she doesn’t. She holds my gaze, but her eyes are unreadable.

When the elevator finally reaches the ground floor, I wait for the other couple to step out before I follow. Riley starts walking toward the main entrance, but I grab her hand and stop her.

“We’re not meeting them for dinner, I canceled.”

Riley’s eyes narrow in confusion. “But I thought…”

“I thought we’ve had enough of them and all the celebrities for one day.” I smile as I lead her toward the upscale dining room of the hotel.

“Thank you,” she says. “I kind of wanted to go exploring with you.”

My heart palpitates as we enter the restaurant. She wants to be with me as much as I want to be with her, this much is obvious.

Once we are settled with a glass of wine and view of the beach, Riley sighs. “This is amazing. It’s so different…”

“Than New York?” I interrupt her and put down my glass. “I was thinking the same thing earlier.”

“It’s like a different culture, a different pace… I would love to come here for a holiday someday.”

“We can stay for a few days if you want?”

Riley laughs and shakes her head, her skin illuminated by the candle in the center of the table. “We can’t do that. I don’t ev

en think I qualify for leave yet. Besides I’m sure I can’t afford to stay in this hotel.”

I smile and take another sip of wine as the waiter arrives to take our orders. Once he leaves, Riley sighs contently and smiles at me. “I had fun today, it was quite an experience. I’m certain the shoes be a hit.”

“You were a hit. Everyone loves you.” Throughout the day I had to resist a few times from throwing Riley over my shoulders and dragging her to my cave. Everywhere we went it seemed she drew attention. Men wanted her and women wanted to be her, and yet it appeared Riley was utterly oblivious to their envious stares.

The waiter brings our food, but we only pick at it. My appetite wants more than what’s on the plate in front of me. I want to taste her.

“You’re just saying that. They were too fascinated by Branson Carter too even notice me. You’ve really made a name for yourself. What does it feel like?”

“What does what feel like?” I ask taking a bite.

“Being as successful as you are. Knowing people respect you and know you even though they’ve never met you before.”

“It’s… I don’t know. I worked hard to get where I am and as for respect; in advertising respect is directly linked to the success of your latest campaign. One bad campaign and the respect disappears in a flash. It’s a show.”