“Because you seem like such a nice guy. Why would she do that?”

“I’m partially to blame, I guess. I wasn’t around a lot. I was married to my job and obsessed with investing.” I try not to think back to all the arguments Eden and I had bit it’s hard when our relationship was so toxic.

“I can’t even imagine you like that,” Brianna says, looking confused. “I mean, you’re so salt-of-the-earth now. A real-life mountain man.” She giggles. “I can’t even envision you wearing a suit.”

“Oh, I wore a suit, alright. I lived in a suit. I thought I’d be in the lifestyle forever, in all honesty. There was nothing I wanted to do more than work. And make money. Nothing else mattered.”


I can’t blame her for being shocked. The man I am today is not the man I was before moving to Montana. “Eden’s going to be at the anniversary party.”

“Why?” Brianna asks.

“Her father’s my grandpa’s lawyer. They’ve been close for many years. Funny story, Eden ended up marrying my best friend, Thomas. So it’s going to be a very tense event, to say the least. One I’m not really looking forward to.”

“Oh, Tate. I’m so sorry.”

“This is why I need you to come to Chicago with me. Taking a piece of beautiful Montana with me to keep me grounded.”

“Aww,” she replies introspectively. Things get a little heavy, and I decide to change the subject.

“Is it okay if I take you to work at ten? I gotta run into town and get a few things.”

“You know that I can take myself. I have a car,” she says in protest, and it makes me smile. She makes me smile a lot actually.

“But I like taking my fiancée to work.”

We grin at one another for a moment, and Brianna goes back to finishing her waffles. Though it’s only been two weeks since she’s been here, I’ve become comfortable with Brianna, and I’m beginning to dread the idea of her leaving after our Chicago trip. It just feels right having her around. I push the thoughts away because though we’ve only spent a short amount of time with her, the way I feel is undeniable. She’s something special, and I’m not sure I want to let that go.

“I’m so lucky I’m not losing my job. Josh was really pissed about it, of course. But I told him that I was taking my dad to Chicago to see a specialist.”

My heart quickens when she mentions her dad. It’s been a touchy subject, and she hasn’t said much about him, just little things here and there. I’ve gotten the vibe that he’s sick, but she hasn’t really said much other than that. While our conversation is light, I take it as my chance to get to learn more about her, because I care, and if I’m going to pretend to be her husband, I need to know these things.

“So, I feel like I’ve told you almost everything about me, but you still won’t talk about your dad.” Her demeanor changes and I wonder if I should let it go.

“It’s hard to talk about. He?

?s been sick for some time. It scares me.”

My jaw tightens, and I want to draw closer to her and touch her, but I hold back.

“That’s not what I like to hear.”

“I’m sure it’ll all be okay,” Brianna says, forcing out a smile. “He’s a fighter.”

“At any point, if you need anything, just ask. Okay?”

“You’ve already been far too generous, Tate. I don’t know that I can ask you for anything else.” She moves syrup around on her plate.

“Well, you can. Just know that.”

I pick up the syrup and playfully pour more on her waffles. She starts laughing, which is precisely the reaction that I was looking for.

“Sugar helps everything,” she says lightheartedly.

“That’s true.” I smile.

“You want to know something amusing?” she says.