“It won’t kill you, and it’ll be good for you. Even mountain men need vegetables, you know.” She smirks, her eyes shining, and I’m happy to see she’s brushed off her asshole manager’s attitude.

Brianna walks off, and I know a week in Chicago with her will more than likely make me crave her even more than I currently do.

Shark is still beside me in total heaven, and I’m enjoying watching the tourists walk down the sidewalk, carrying on meaningless conversations about the weather and town.

Brianna comes back with my kale wrap, and in all honesty, it doesn’t look that bad.

“I know that you’re going to like this.”

“Hmm,” I reply, inspecting the wrap. It’s colorful, to say the least, and I’m grateful there are fries on the side. Not exactly a hearty meal, but I’ll suck it up and eat it for her.

Since catching up on things, Brianna seems to be in a lighthearted mood, and it makes me happy. Every so often she glances back my way and smiles at me. It’s a good indication that perhaps she’s ready to accept my offer. It seems silly to feel excited considering I’m paying her to be with me, but I think she wants to join me too. I haven’t been like this about something in a long time, and it feels good.

“Well?” she asks, refilling my water.

“I hated it,” I reply, looking down at my empty plate.

“See! You have to try new things.” Brianna looks victorious, and that kind of glee suits her well.

“You’re right. I guess I need you around full time.”

The statement flies out of my mouth before I have time to analyze it. I don’t regret saying it either. She’s blushing, and I remember it from the night before. Every time that she blushes I feel victorious.

“Well, you won’t have me around full time, but perhaps for a week.”

“So that’s a yes?”

“I don’t have to sign a contract, do I?” she asks.

“I’m not Christian Grey.”

Brianna lets out a big laugh, and I join her. Man, she has a beautiful laugh.

“Brianna!” the manager calls out again, still not pleased. I get the impression nothing makes him happy.

“Listen, you don’t have to give an official answer now. Have dinner with me.”

“What?” she asks.

“Have dinner with me. Then we can talk.”

“Brianna!” the manager calls again.

“I’m working the dinner shift,” Brianna says anxiously, looking back at the manager who’s standing with the door to the patio open and a snarl on his face.

“Come to my place afterward. I’ll make us a late dinner.”

She’s considering it, and I’m hoping she’ll say yes. Cooking for her would be fun.

“Okay, but I’m not off until nine pm. We stop serving at eight.”

“No worries, I’ll pick you up.”

“Okay,” she replies with a grin and nods. I can tell she’s excited, which makes me smile.

Brianna goes to the manager who’s still being a dick, and I look down at Shark with a satisfied grin on my face. Shark’s having one of the best days of his life, because not only did he have his baked treat but he also enjoyed half of my fries.

I throw a bill down on the table and walk out of the café. Shit, I did it again. I left another hundred dollar bill, and surely Brianna will be rolling her eyes thinking I’m trying to buy her or something. It isn’t that. Money is just money, and it feels good to give it to her.