“My family is…” He sighs. “They’re elite.”

“So they’re wealthy?” I ask, realizing how rude I sound blurting that out. He offered me fifty thousand dollars for a weekend like it was nothing. But there is so much I could do with that money—fix up dad’s house, pay off debt, hell; I could even go back to school if I wanted.

“Yeah, you could say that.” He doesn’t sound happy talking about them. “And there are certain standards and expectations from me, and of course, from my fiancée. It’ll be an over-the-top event.”

“I think I understand,” I admit.

“It might take time to get you prepared.” He flashes a boyish grin that sends tingles right down my spine.

“Take some time to think about it. But it’s coming up in two weeks, so the sooner you decide, the better.”

There’s warmth in his glance, but this time there’s a hunger there, too.

“I plan to get you a ring, as well.”

“A ring?” I say, again too loudly. It’s like everything that comes out of his mouth shocks me.

He chuckles. “Well my fiancée needs a ring,” he winks. “There’s a jeweler I know in New York, but we’ll have to get your finger sized so he can ship it out within the week.”

“But the anniversary isn’t for two weeks.”

“Yes, but you’ll need to get used to wearing it.”

My mouth practically falls to the floor, and I’m in a constant state of shock. Tate smiles to himself and looks down at his beer. Is he feeling the same crazy attraction as I am toward him? It’s undeniable.

“How about I come to the café on Friday, and you can tell me what you decide then?”

“You don’t have to do that. I can call you.” I immediately feel stupid because we haven’t even exchanged numbers.

“I rarely use my phone. In fact, I haven’t seen it for days and have no idea where it is.” He chuckles.

“I can tell you like being off the grid.” I snicker. “Crazy you moved from Chicago to be in full seclusion. Seems like I have a lot to learn.”

“You have no idea,” he replies.

His smile is perfect, and I love the way he looks at me. It causes that familiar heat to hit my cheeks once again.

I see Callie hugging someone on the other side of the bar before she waves at me and makes her way toward us. I’m not ready for Tate and I’s conversation to be over, but I feel it’s coming to an end.

“I suppose I’ll let you get back to your night,” Tate says on cue, finishing the sip of beer left the bottle. “See you soon.” He stands and when he does his arm brushes against mine again. He’s close enough I can smell his soap and clean laundry scent. I don’t want him to leave. His body is warm and strong and strangely comforts me.

“Of course,” I reply, not sure what else to say.

Tate closes out his check and heads to the door. I can’t stop watching him as he gets inside his truck and drives away. Callie walks up, and I’m trying to get my thoughts together. I ask the bartender for our check only to find out Tate paid for everything.

I’m dumbfounded, but I already know my answer. I would’ve told him yes immediately, but I didn’t want to seem desperate. Plus, I need to get with the café and see what they have to say about me taking off, but I know for a fact I’m going to take the chance. I’ll go to Chicago with Tate and pretend to be his fiancée. I’m nervous and excited, but it seems like the type of adventure I’ve been looking for.

“How did it go with Tate?” Callie says, returning to the bar.

“You’re not going to believe this,” I reply.


“Give me a moment to catch my breath. I feel like I might pass out.”

