“There’s nothing much to say. His name is Tate, and he’s sexy as sin,” I say with a giggle, finishing off my drink.

“Ohh?” Callie says, always on the lookout for a new booty call. There’s always handsome tourists traveling through, but it seems like there are very few prospects that actually live in Whitefish.

“Yes, I was surprised. He’s hot. Had this whole rugged thing going on with long hair on one side and a scruffy dark beard.”

“Mmm. You know how I love a man with a beard,” she teases with a popped eyebrow.

“Right? Totally not my usual type but the whole look was really working for me. There was something…intriguing about it actually. Oh! He also had a dog with him. A huge dog!”

“Man with a dog. Why is that so hot?” she taunts. “Please tell me you slipped him your number.”

I laugh. “I thought about it, but chickened out. Also, he left me a one-hundred dollar tip!”

Her eyes practically bulge out of her head. “So he’s rich, has a dog, a beard, and a nice body? What the hell? You get all the luck.”

I start laughing and nearly spit out my beer because Callie has a point.

“I probably would’ve given him my panties,” she spits out.

We start laughing even more, and I swear she says this kind of shit for shock value.

This is why I look forward to hanging out with Callie. It’s our time to laugh and decompress. I know I can share anything with her, and she won’t judge me. There’s nothing better than friendship like this. She doesn’t judge my small house, which I have to admit is a mess at the moment, but in the darkness of night, it’s less noticeable. The Christmas lights strung up in my living room are the majority of the illumination in the place. I know it’s summer, but I love the soft glow they cast.

“So, do you think he’ll come back to the café?” Callie asks. We have polished off the chips, and she eventually dumps the bag of crumbs in her mouth.

“Probably not. Doubt he even gave me a second look. I’m sure he’s not interested in me. Look at me.”

“Brianna Carson, shut the hell up. You’re one of the prettiest girls in town, and you know it.” She eyes me.

“Quit stroking my ego, Cal.”

“You see, that’s your problem,” Callie says, getting up to find another beer in the fridge. “You’re freakin’ gorgeous. If I were you, I’d be asking hot people on dates left and right.”

“Stop it. You know you can have anyone you want,” I say. And it’s true. Not only is Callie beautiful, but she’s also feisty and guys like that.

“I’m twenty pounds away from hot.”

“Callie, I’m going to hit you if you say that again,” I say, throwing the empty corn chip bag in her direction.

“I was supposed to work on my summer body in the winter. I failed!” Callie looks down at her belly and tries to grab fat, but she has none. She likes to joke about her weight even though she’s always been small and petite.

I shake my head and roll my eyes.

“Anyway, you’ve got to find this guy and ask him out,” Callie says matter-of-factly, plopping back into the couch with her cold beer.

I laugh at her. “Callie, it’s not going to happen. He’s lived here for God knows how long and I’ve never seen him before. What makes you think he’s going to come back into the café again?”

“I don’t know,” Callie says, looking at the Christmas lights and becoming introspective. “Because he met you and probably realizes what he’s missing.”



“I’ll have the Reuben,” I say, concealing a smile. I know she’s not going to like that I’m ordering the same thing, but I can’t help it. The Reuben was damn good the first time, and I can’t stand the idea of ordering a kale salad.

“Seriously?” Brianna is staring at me with a smirk on her lips. I can tell she wants to say something else, but she doesn’t.

“I’m a creature of habit,” I reply, placing my menu on the table.