I take another moment to enjoy the perfect morning sunlight, as we sip our coffee and finish breakfast. When we’re done, Brianna clears the plates and brings them to the sink.

“You don’t have to do that,” I remind her.

“I know. I do it because I want to. I like to help around here,” she says. I give her a smile and watch her as she stands at the sink. Randomly she’ll look over at me, no words pass between us. She has no idea how much she’s actually helping.

“What do you have to do in town?” she asks as she dries the plates.

“I have to go to the hardware store.”

“Of course,” she replies. Brianna already knows me so well.

“And I gotta pick up something at the post office.”

“Oh?” She dries her hands and walks back over to me, hoping I’ll tell her.

“It’s a surprise.” That’s all I offer her, and she doesn’t press me to tell her. I smile thinking about the ring. It’s not traditional, and I remember showing it to Eden before picking her diamond, and she hated it. But something in me said that that’s why Brianna would like it. There’s something so unique about her, and something unique about the ring. In the center is a deep blue sapphire and twelve diamonds surround it.

I’m not sure if the fit will be perfect, but I’m sure it will. I’m super excited for Brianna to see it, but I have to wait till we get to the airport tomorrow to give it to her. It just seems like the perfect time.

“Well, if you want to leave soon, I can get dressed for work now. Showing up early might help them out considering I won’t be around for awhile to help pick up the slack.” She’s so considerate of me and my time, something I’m not used to.

“Take your time,” I say, and get up from the table. “If you don’t need to be there until ten, then ten it is.”

She nods and goes to her bedroom, and I take a shower. As I’m drying off, I inspect myself in the mirror and know I can’t show up in Chicago with this beard. I hate to say goodbye, but my family wouldn’t recognize me. Not only that, my Grandma might disown me. But I’ll get enough revenge by showing up looking good with a fiancée. So, I get out the clippers and razor.

Shaving off a scruffy beard is no easy task, but I manage to do it without any nicks or cuts. This fills me with pride. I look in the mirror at my clean-shaven face, and I see someone I’ve tried to run away from for a long time. My former self stands in front of me, which makes me feel exposed and uncomfortable. Looking at the remains of the beard in the sink, I figure that there’s no going back. It’s an ominous feeling.

I get dressed in my usual jeans and V-neck T, then I come out of my room and walk into the living room. A breeze comes through the window, and it hits my face, and I breathe in the fresh mountain air. I try to soak it all in.

I walk around to Brianna’s room, and I peek my head around, looking in. She’s wearing the jeans she usually wears to work, but hasn’t had a chance to put on her shirt. I freeze seeing her standing so exposed in nothing but her bra. Thankfully she has headphones on and is going through her morning routine, and has no idea that I’m standing here.

I linger for a few moments longer and just watch her. She’s dancin

g to the music she’s listening to, full of life and energy. Damn, it’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever witnessed. She’s tone, and her breasts are just the perfect size, not too big and not too small. I wish I could reach out and touch her, but there’s no way. Somehow I tear my eyes away from her though I want I could stand there forever. I can’t deny how breathtaking she is.

I walk away and consider taking a cold shower to get the thoughts out of my mind. Instead, I go to the kitchen pour myself a strong cup of coffee.

“Ready to go?” Brianna asks, almost startling me from my thoughts, my back is facing her, and I’m almost nervous to turn around without my beard. It’s been my security blanket for so long, I feel naked without it.

“Yep,” I manage to say, looking out the window.

“Are you alright?” she asks, studying my demeanor.

“Doing great.” I finally turn around.

Her eyes widen, and her jaw drops. “Oh my God,” she says in disbelief.

“I was thinking the same thing.” I give her a wink.

She opens her mouth then closes it. Opens it and closes it again and it causes me to chuckle.

“I guess I’m finally being introduced to Tatum Henry Williams,” she says in awe.

“You met him at the café last month,” I tell her, hoping she understands I’m still the same man. But now I look like a Williams. I look like the name I was given.

She tilts her head and continues to stare at me until she smiles. “I like either version of you. Mountain man or business professional, whichever.”

“Thanks. That means a lot.” Damn, I still can’t stop thinking about the white bra I now she’s wearing.