“So you have a date or something?” Josh asks.

“Well, kind of,” I say, looking back toward the parking lot. Tate brought Shark who’s happily sticking his head out of the truck. Tate pets him and gives him attention, and it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

“You can get outta here,” Josh says with a smile. His eyes are soft, and I’m almost shocked.

“What?” I ask in amazement.

“Go on. I’ll finish this table up. It’s not a problem. You’ve been working really hard lately, and I appreciate that.”


“You better go now before I change my mind,” he warns with a smirk, and I don’t waste another minute. I hurry and take all the empty dishes from the table and explain to them that I’m leaving for the night. The smile on my face is permanent as I take my apron off and wash my hands. Josh has never said or done anything nice for me since I’ve been working at the Whitefish Cafe, so I almost pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming.

“You’re the best,” I say, walking toward the door.

“Just don’t be late tomorrow,” he says with a grin before walking out on the patio.

“I promise.”

I’m almost running to Tate’s truck, and force myself to slow down, realizing I’m being way too enthusiastic. When I approach, he gives me a gentle smile again, and I smile as well.

“You’re not going to believe what just happened,” I tell him, happy to be leaving.

“Tell me about it in the truck.” He gives me a wink and opens my door. I hop in, and Shark goes to the back of the truck and makes room for me. Shark tries to lick me, but Tate tells him to stop.

Once we’re buckled, Tate starts the truck, and the engine roars ferociously. He pulls out of the parking lot and before I know it we’re humming down Main Street. Most all the businesses are closed for the night, which is normal for Whitefish.

“How’d it go tonight?” Tate asks. I can tell he’s trying to make conversation though he’s genuinely interested. He glances over at me, and I practically melt when our eyes meet. God, this is going to be hard.

“Actually really great and my manager even let me off early.”

“You deserved to leave.” He glances over at me again then puts his attention back on the road.

I watch the road too. “I know, I can’t imagine why. He’s never done anything like that for me before. Usually, he’s an asshole about me staying my shift.”

Tate clears his throat. “You have to promise not to be upset.”

I glare at him. “Oh no. What did you do?”

He chuckles. “I didn’t rough him up or anything. Just slipped him a few hundreds.”

My eyes practically bulge out of my hand. “You hand hundreds out like you’re printing them in your house.”

He bursts out into hearty laughter. “I’m just kidding. I didn’t pay him shit.”


sp; My heart is thumping hard in my chest, and I feel like an idiot. “I believed you! Not fair.”

“I can be very convincing,” he adds with a light laugh.

Slowing, Tate turns onto a rocky road, and I know we’re traveling up the mountainside. In the darkness of night, I can still see the dust enveloping the truck on all sides. The headlights are our only guides. The forest is thick and mysterious, and I beat its peaceful living up here in the middle of nowhere.

“Here we are,” he says turning onto a gravel path, and at the end sits a cozy cabin that’s lit from within. I swear, it looks like a painting, and even in the darkness of night, it looks like utter perfection.

“Wow, this is wonderful,” I say.

“Thanks. I put a lot of work into it.”