She brought his head down to hers and pressed her mouth against his ear to be heard. “Dance with me, Cole. I want to feel your body moving against mine.”

Her suggestive invitation devastated his good intentions. He had no idea how she always managed to provoke him into doing things he knew he shouldn’t. Just like the other night in the hot tub, he found himself giving in to her request, wanting the same thing, unable to refuse what his own body craved as well.

Splaying a hand on her lower back and cupping her hip in his other palm, he melded their lower bodies and wedged a leg between her soft, slender ones. Angling her pelvis intimately closer, he slid his knee higher, pressed deeper, pushing the hem of her dress up until she rode his hard thigh. The damp heat of her seeped through the fabric of his pants and he groaned at the incredible surge of hot, carnal lust that kicked up his adrenaline.

“Yes.” The single word left her lips, drowned out by loud rock ’n’ roll, but he knew what that acquiescence meant, knew what she ached for, and knew he was about to take her exactly where she wanted to go. Here and now.

He rocked her tighter against his thigh, building a slow, illicit friction between her legs that made her eyes darken with growing need. Strobe lights pulsed in time to the music, and someone brushed up against Cole from behind, but nobody paid any attention to them. Nobody cared that Melodie was wrapped securely in his arms, straddling his thigh, performing her own private dance just for him.

Their scandalous behavior was reckless. Dangerous. And wildly exciting. Her lashes fluttered closed and she arched into him, gripping his shoulders for better leverage, a tighter fit. Recognizing the signs of her approaching orgasm, his own breathing deepened, and he started to sweat, the heat that caused it all internal. Ecstasy flitted across her expression as her head fell back, and her lips parted in the throes of supreme pleasure. Her legs clenched around his, her hips undulated, and he absorbed the shudders that rippled through her.

The moment was so erotic, so insanely arousing, yet there was no satisfaction to be had for him. At least not at the moment. While Melodie could keep her orgasm discreet in a public place, men just didn’t have that kind of luxury, and his own release would have to wait until he could take matters into his own hands later.

She opened her eyes and looked up at him with a soft, content smile, and as one song segued into another, her satiated body gradually came alive again, swaying provocatively, enticingly, along the length of his. Tempting him, teasing him with what he hungered for, but couldn’t have.

She turned around in his arms, aligning their bodies his front to her back, giving him a clear view of the bright, colorful tattoo on her shoulder. Raising her hands above her head, she shimmied her hips against his raging erection, inflaming him with the uninhibited tactic. He had no idea where in the hell she’d learned to move like that, but the effect ravaged his senses and destroyed the last thin thread of his control.

Muttering an expletive, he grabbed her around the waist and locked her tight against his chest, uncaring that she could feel the branding heat and length of his hard dick nestled between her buttocks. She was, after all, the cause.

“We’re leaving, now,” he growled into her ear, loud enough that she could hear him above the din. “And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t make a scene.”

She stiffened defiantly in his arms. “I’m not ready to leave.”

And he wasn’t about to let her stay so some guy could take advantage of her pliable and very sexual state of mind. “It’s past your bedtime, sweetheart.” Grasping her arm firmly in his hand, he wove his way through the throng of people on the dance floor, surprised that his fierce erection allowed him to walk normally. “Come on, I’m taking you home.”

“I’m just starting to enjoy myself,” she yelled back as she trotted behind him in her fuck me heels while trying to finagle her arm from his grip. “You go home. I think I’ll shut the place down.”

He shot her a withering look from over his shoulder, his arousal and her resistance feeding his anger. “Like hell you will!”

Her lips pursed stubbornly, but she didn’t back down from his scowl. “Nobody asked you to babysit me, Cole.”

He barked out a harsh breath of laughter. “Somebody needs to make sure you don’t end up passed out somewhere between here and your apartment.” Or in another man’s bed. The thought alone caused his blood to boil with jealousy, and he wasn’t leaving anything to chance.

“I’m not drunk,” she shouted indignantly.

He continued plowing forward through the crowd, his eye on the red Exit sign above the main entrance. “You’re right,” he tossed out to her, a sarcastic bite to his tone. “What was I thinking? After consuming six drinks in the span of two hours, of course you’re not the least bit intoxicated!”

Shoving open the double doors to the nightclub, he strode out into the clear night air, his ears and head thanking him for leaving the boisterous entertainment behind.

“You can’t just drag me off against my will!” Melodie shouted, her shrill tone capturing one of the bouncer’s attention who’d stepped out for a smoke break.

Cole inwardly cringed as the big, beefy guy crushed out his cigarette and stepped forward to assist the woman in distress. Thinking fast, he whipped out his wallet, flashed his PI badge like a cop in control of a critical situation, and addressed the other man in an authoritative tone of voice. “This is my sister, and for your information she’s underage and has no business being in this nightclub.”

The guy’s eyes widened in shock and he held up his hands. “Hey, man, I’m sorry. We card everyone who goes through that door.”

Melodie glared at Cole, then tried to reason with the bouncer. “I’m not underage!”

“Not with that fake ID you’re carrying, you’re not,” Cole drawled smoothly as he pocketed his billfold before speaking to the other guy again. “I’ll let the oversight slide this time, but if it happens again, you can bet the Feds will be crawling all over this place, and I’m sure your boss wouldn’t appreciate being slapped with a hefty fine.”

The other guy backed off immediately, mumbling apologies, obviously not wanting to deal with the liability his “sister” presented. With a slack-jawed Melodie by his side, he crossed the graveled parking lot toward his utility vehicle.

“I can’t believe you just did that,” she said once she’d shaken off her astonishment and regained her ire.

He shrugged unrepentantly. “I don’t need any more trouble than what I’ve already got with you.”

“Me?” Her exasperation raised a notch as she doubled her steps to keep up with his long-legged stride. “I was doing just fine in there until you came along.”

He grunted in reply. He didn’t even want to consider what could have happened if he hadn’t shown up at Paxton’s. Would she have allowed one of those guys the same liberties on the dance floor that she’d granted him? His temper flared at the thought.