Cole shook Dean’s hand, the fierce lines creasing his expression easing a few degrees, but not completely. “Looks like I owe you an apology for this entire misunderstanding,” he said gruffly.

Dean managed a small smile. “It’s definitely been interesting.” And the incident had changed his entire life.

Since Cole wasn’t making any attempt to leave Jo’s office before he did, Dean was forced to say his final goodbyes in front of her brother. He honestly didn’t give a shit that Cole was watching his every move toward his sister. All Dean cared about was leaving Jo with the lasting impression that his feelings for her were genuine and real.

Cupping the back of her neck in his hand so she couldn’t pull away, he kissed her trembling lips lightly, hoping like hell it wouldn’t be the last time he was allowed the intimate privilege. Then he moved his mouth to her ear and murmured so only she could hear, “When you’re ready to let go of the past and embrace the future, you know where to find me.”

He exited her office, heard Cole follow behind, and before he could push through the front door, Cole stopped him.

“I have to ask,” Cole said, his voice rough as he pushed his fingers through his hair in an agitated gesture. “What are your intentions toward Jo?”

Dean thought about Cole’s brotherly question and realized the other man’s sister was the only person who could supply that particular answer. He shrugged. “That all depends on Jo’s intentions toward me.”

And both he and Cole were better off letting Jo figure out what she truly desired all on her own, and in her own time.


“You certainly had yourself quite an adventurous trip to San Francisco.”

Dean smiled across the restaurant table at his mother, Anne. It was his first night back in Seattle after leaving Jo, and while he’d spent a good part of the day in negotiation meetings at the office, he’d cleared his evening specifically to spend a few hours with his mother.

She’d asked about his shortened vacation, and during their main course he’d entertained her with how he’d been taken into custody by a feisty female bounty hunter in a case of mistaken identity. His mother had been at first shocked and appalled at the thought of him being arrested, then gradually found humor in the situation once he’d assured her that his name had been cleared. And while he’d mentioned Jo in the scheme of his story, for the time being he kept the intimate details of his relationship with her to himself.

“All things considered, it was one of the most enjoyable vacations I can ever remember taking,” he replied, amusement still lingering in his voice. Done with his meal, he placed his fork on his plate and pushed the dish aside for the waiter to clear away. “Very spontaneous and fun, and just what I needed to clear my head.”

“You do look more relaxed,” Anne commented, then tipped her head and gently scrutinized his features. “But I have to admit I recognize that small, serious crease that appears between your brows when you have something important on your mind.”

He chuckled at his mother’s uncanny ability to read him and his shifting moods so well, a skill she’d developed when he was a kid and had spent too much time resenting the choices his father had made that didn’t include him. “Actually, there are two things I need to talk to you about.”

She leaned back in her chair as their server approached their table, took their dessert orders, and whisked away their dinner plates.

Once the waiter was gone, she asked, “Is everythi

ng okay?”

Drawing a deep, steady breath, he met her curious and concerned gaze. Despite being in her late fifties, his mother was still a beautiful woman and there seemed to be a new warmth and glow about her he’d never noticed before. Then again, had he ever really taken the time to notice the small changes and details around him since taking over the reins of his father’s company?

The answer—no—jumped into his mind much too easily.

Since Jo, he seemed so in tune to subtle changes and even the mundane things he’d lived with and accepted for years…such as how quiet and empty his house was. How big his king-sized bed seemed for just one person. And how much he craved the kind of laughter and loving he’d experienced so briefly with Jo.

“Things are okay with me,” he told his mother, knowing he lied. He wouldn’t be completely whole until Jo came to her senses and realized they belonged together. “Except a few things happened on my trip to San Francisco and I’ve made some decisions that will affect you, too.”

She folded her hands in her lap and waited patiently for him to continue.

He grinned wryly. “Would you believe I fell hard for the woman who took me into custody and dragged me all the way back to California?”

Her hazel eyes widened in surprise. “The female bounty hunter?”

He nodded, and refrained from correcting his mother with the politically correct term of “bail enforcement agent” that Jo insisted upon. “I know it happened quickly,” he rushed on to explain, “but without a doubt I’m in love with her.”

His mother’s expression softened with genuine understanding, and without judgment. “There is no time limit on how long it takes a person to fall in love with someone, Dean. Sometimes those things happen when you least expect it.” Leaning forward, she propped her elbows on the table and rested her chin on her laced fingers. “So why isn’t she here with you so I can meet her for myself?”

Dean scrubbed a hand along his jaw, feeling familiar frustration build within him. He’d only been gone a day, yet he missed Jo like he’d never missed anyone in his life. “She’s being more obstinate about admitting her feelings, but I’m hoping in time she’ll eventually come around.” While he was clinging to positive thoughts in terms of Jo meeting him halfway, he knew the agonizing possibility existed that she’d allow fears to ultimately rule her heart and emotions.

Anne smiled gently. “If this woman is what you truly want, I hope everything works out for you.”

“Thanks, Mom.” Her unconditional support meant a lot to him and made other momentous decisions easier to divulge. “For me, Jo’s definitely ‘the one.’ The next step is up to her.”