His sister braced her hands on her hips, feigning annoyance. “Okay, fine,” she relented. “If you must know, Raevynn and I have some girl stuff to do, and we don’t want to be bothered for about an hour. Can you make that happen, pretty please?”

Collin sighed, and when he glanced at Raevynn, she just rocked on her feet and gave him a sweet smile.

“Trust me, when you come back, the kids and I will be out of here and you can have Raevynn all to yourself for the rest of the night,” his sister promised.

“Okay, fine.” He threw up his hands in surrender, but he didn’t seem that put out. “Let’s go and get ice cream cones.”

The kids trampled out of the house with shouts of delight, and as soon as Avery heard him drive off, she quickly got to work. She placed a chair in the middle of the kitchen, Raevynn sat down, and she was covered in a plastic cape to keep the hair off of her clothes. Avery re-braided her hair, still damp from her shower earlier, but much tighter this time. She secured the bottom with a band, and about an inch below Raevynn’s shoulder, so that when she cut the strands it would all stay intact and Raevynn could donate the length to a charity that would use it for wigs for disadvantaged children suffering from long-term hair loss.

Avery picked up her shears and stood behind Raevynn, holding the braid in her hand. “Are you absolutely sure about this?” she asked, suddenly sounding uncertain about being the one to sever Raevynn’s golden locks.

“I am.” There wasn’t a thread of doubt in her voice. “I’m not changing my mind, Avery. Cut it off.”

It took time and effort, but Avery managed to slice through all the thick strands entwined together. When it was done, Raevynn’s hair bounced free around her shoulders, definitely so much shorter than it was minutes ago. A giddy sensation rippled through her, and when she reached up to run her fingers through the strands to see for herself what was left, Avery smacked her hand.

“No touching or looking until I’m done,” she reprimanded. “I’m nervous enough as it is, being responsible for your new look.”

Raevynn closed her eyes and let Avery do her thing, still trusting her completely. She listened to the snipping sounds of her friend’s shears, felt the chunks of hair falling onto the cape, and endured what Raevynn assumed was the layering process. Blow-drying and styling came next, and a little while later, when the kitchen went quiet, Raevynn opened her eyes again to find Avery standing in front of her, looking at her hair, and biting hesitantly on her lower lip.

“Okay, you’re done,” her friend said, removing the cape from around Raevynn’s neck. “Let’s go look in the bathroom mirror and see what you think.”

As soon as Raevynn saw her reflection and the new flirty, sexy cut and style of her much shorter hair, she burst into tears, which sent Avery into a panic. She quickly shook her head, and swallowing back the emotion crowding in her throat and brushing away the moisture on her cheeks, she turned to Avery and reassured her friend.

“These are happy tears. Thrilled tears. Tears of empowerment and confidence and fortitude,” she said, freely running her fingers through the silky strands and loving how the layered waves fell right back in place. “This is a new me, in so many ways, and I can’t thank you enough because I look so amazing.”

Avery laughed, the sound rife with relief. “You do look amazing.”

Raevynn hugged her friend tight, unable to express the depths of her gratitude—that something as simple as a haircut could make her feel so bold and daring going forward.

“Hey, is it safe to enter?” Collin called out from the kitchen area, back from getting ice cream with the kids.

“Yep, be right there,” Avery yelled back, then grinned at Raevynn. “Go and knock my brother dead.”

Shoulders back, chin lifted high, Raevynn strolled out to the front rooms. She had no idea what Collin’s reaction would be, but for as much as she wanted him to love the new change as much as she did, she’d done it for herself. No one else.

As soon as he saw her, his jaw literally dropped open and his eyes flared with shock. “Oh, my God,” he said, his voice etched with stunned disbelief as he closed the distance between them. “You did it. You really did it.”

“I did,” she said, unable to temper how excited she was. She also couldn’t tell if he liked the new style or not.

“What happened to all your Rapunzel hair?” Harper asked, staring up at Raevynn in confusion.

Raevynn bent down to Harper’s level, smiling at the little girl while tapping her on her cute button nose. “Your mom cut it, and I’m going to donate it so some little girl will have the long hair she’s always dreamed of.”

“Wow, so lucky,” Harper whispered, her voice tinged with wonder.

“So, the kids and I are going to get out of here so the two of you can be alone,” Avery cut in, gathering the items she’d bought at the beauty supply to take home with her. “Harper and Lucas, tell your uncle Collin and Rae-Rae goodbye.”

After quick hugs and promises to get together soon, Avery ushered her little tribe out the door, which Collin locked after her. Then he turned back to Raevynn, his gaze riveted on her face and hair, his expression now filled with awe and admiration as he approached her again.

“You are gorgeous, no matter the length of your hair, but this new style makes you even more stunning,” he said, not hesitating to slide his hands into her hair, fisting his fingers around the strands so he could tip her head back and their gazes locked. “You look fucking fearless.”

His words elevated her confidence even more, and she grinned. “I am fucking fearless,” she agreed, right before he sealed his lips over hers and kissed her, releasing a rush of desire and passion that she matched on every level.

Chapter 13

The kiss started in the kitchen and ended in the bedroom. Collin didn’t mind sharing Raevynn with his sister today, but tonight, she was all his.

Their mouths separated on a panting breath, and Collin yanked off all his clothes and watched Raevynn do the same, his gaze captivated as she peeled away each layer until she was completely naked.