One second she was straddling his lap, and in the next, Collin had her laid out on the couch, his body half on top of hers. He pressed one of his thighs between her legs as he stared down at her startled expression, which gradually ebbed into sensual anticipation.

The hem of her camisole had ridden up her torso when he’d abruptly repositioned her on the sofa cushions, and he placed his hand on that strip of exposed skin between her breasts and the waistband of her silky shorts. Holding her gaze, he stroked his fingers along her flat belly, watching the way her eyes darkened with uninhibited arousal.

“Is that what you want now?” he asked, just to be certain she was making a conscious decision before they went any further. “Me sucking your breasts and my fingers stroking your pussy until you come?”

She nodded eagerly. “Yes, please. I want that, need it, so badly.” She lifted a hand, sliding it around to the nape of his neck as she stared into his eyes. “I’ve dreamt and fantasized about you giving me that pleasure.”

She wasn’t lying. Despite the fact that she’d been with another man, the candid look in Raevynn’s eyes was honest and real, as if whatever she’d had with Zane hadn’t come close to touching the intimate and emotional link the two of them had shared.

She pulled his head down to hers, until their lips barely touched. “Make me forget the insanity that is my life, Collin,” she begged softly against his mouth. “Make me feel good, even if it’s just for a little while.”

Her fingers gripped his hair as she kissed him. Her mouth opened beneath his, inviting his tongue inside, and with a guttural groan, he obliged, deepening the contact. He pushed the fabric of her top all the way up to her chest to expose her breasts. Taking a soft, full mound in his hand, he found her taut nipple and rolled the pebbled flesh between his fingers, making her groan against his lips and her lower body squirm anxiously against the leg wedged between hers.

Pressing soft kisses along her jaw and down her neck, he released her breast, to her whimper of protest, so that he could skim his hand down her stomach and into the waistband of her shorts, then into her panties. He latched on to a pert nipple and flicked his tongue over and around the puckered flesh at the same time he slid two long fingers along her soaked folds.

She gasped at the dual sensations he’d just delivered and moaned when he added more, pushing his fingers deep inside her tight body and rubbing her taut clit with his thumb. She went wild, her hands fisting in his hair as her need and desire climbed higher and higher with each nip of his teeth on her nipple and each precise thrust into her hot, wet core. She panted for breath, and with one more swipe across her clit, he felt her pussy tightening around his fingers, along with her body shaking and shuddering against his.

Wanting to watch her in the throes of orgasm, he released her nipple so he could see her face as he replaced all the tension holding her body captive with the most freeing kind of pleasure. She tipped her head back, eyes fluttering closed as her hips moved rhythmically against the hand between her legs. A sweet groan of surrender escaped her throat as she gave herself over to the waves of ecstasy pulsing through her, which gradually tapered into a serene glow of satisfaction.

When she finally recovered from the intensity of her release, Collin removed his hand and placed it on her stomach, stroking across her soft skin with his thumb as he waited for her to open her eyes and look at him. When she finally did, he was rewarded with the contentment in her gaze and a satiated smile curving her beautiful lips.

“God, I needed that, so much,” she murmured, and slid her hand into Collin’s sweatpants to return the favor.

He groaned as she wrapped her fingers around his aching dick, stroked his length in a tight grip, and grazed her thumb across the tip, already slick with pre-come. He caught her wrist, stopping her too arousing ministrations before he came in her hand. “Rae—”

“I want this,” she interrupted his protest in a husky whisper. “I want you.”

She was giving him the green light for sex, and as much as his body and dick were completely on board with that invitation, he shook his head and pulled her hand from his pants so he could do the honorable thing. Despite all the years they’d spent apart, he knew without any shred of doubt that what he felt for Raevynn, even now, wasn’t simple or easy or casual. She wasn’t someone he could just fuck out of his system and forget, and he wasn’t going to take advantage of her when she was emotionally vulnerable.

“It’s late and you’ve had an extremely long and exhausting night,” he said, careful with his words because he wasn’t completely rejecting her, and he didn’t want her to feel that way, either. “I need you to think about this, Rae. Really think about it, because I had you just once, and it wasn’t nearly enough. Now, I’ve had years to think and fantasize about all the things I want to do with you, given the chance again. And it’s a whole lot more than just the few minutes I had inside your body the first and only time we were together.”

God, the second he’d felt her so snug around his cock, his orgasm had been imminent and so fucking quick. Then again, he’d believed they’d have days and weeks together to have sex again, but getting caught in Raevynn’s bed by her mother shortly after that first time had resulted in a quick and painful end to their relationship.

Curiosity filled her expression as she looked up at him. “What kind of things?” she asked, absently caressing her hand across his chest.

He smirked at her. “Dirty, filthy things that would have made you blush back then.”

Her pearly-white teeth grazed across her bottom lip. “Tell me,” she whispered in a breathy tone, her eyes bright and eager with anticipation.

He released those explicit fantasies, the ones that had filled his head for years when it came to her. “I want to go down on you,” he said, his voice lowering a deep, possessive octave as he swept his fingers along her jawline, surprised to see the demure flush streaking across her cheeks. “I want my mouth on your pussy, and I want to suck on your clit as you come hard against my tongue.”

She exhaled on a soft groan. “Collin—”

He pressed two fingers to her lips to cut her off. She’d asked, and he wasn’t even close to being finished sharing all the sinful, wicked thoughts he’d collected in his mind for the past seven years. “I’m not done telling you the scenarios I’ve imagined, all the indecent images I’ve jacked off to late at night. Like having your soft lips wrapped tight around my cock and me fucking your mouth while you’re on your knees looking up at me with those gorgeous blue eyes right before I come down your throat.”

Her lips parted on a shocked gasp, her complexion turning even pinker, as if she’d never experienced those inherently intimate things with a guy before. Certainly not him since they hadn’t gotten around to enjoying oral sex, but was it really possible that Zane hadn’t been that overtly sexual with her during a three-year relationship?

Shaking thoughts of the other man from his head, he kept his eyes locked with Rae’s as he revealed a raw, vulnerable side to his feelings for her. “But mostly, I fantasized about all the different ways I could fuck you so hard and deep you’d never forget that I was a part of you.”

She swallowed hard, a wealth of emotions swirling in her eyes. “I never forgot, Collin. Ever,” she said, the honesty in her voice matched by the guileless candor etching her features. “You owned me. All of me.”

Owned. The past-tense usage of the word wasn’t lost on Collin, and it felt like a knife twisting in his heart. He maneuvered them both so they were sitting on the couch side by side, instead of him half lying on top of her, and scrubbed his fingers through his hair, gathering his composure before glancing back at Raevynn again, who suddenly looked as weary as he felt.

“Nothing is happening between us tonight,” he reiterated, and stood up, extending his hand toward her, which she accepted so he could help her to her feet, too. “It’s after one in the morning. You’ve been through a lot in a short period of time. We both need to sleep, and I don’t want you to do anything on a whim that you’ll regret later because your defenses were down and you slept with me for all the wrong reasons or because it was convenient.”

Her brows furrowed, and for a moment, she looked as though she wanted to argue or refute his statement, but instead she merely nodded. “Fair enough.”

He walked her down the hallway to the guest bedroom, turning off all the lights in the house on the way until they reached her door. Gently, he framed her face in his hands and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead.