“No, thanks,” Dylan said, biting his tongue to keep from saying, Don’t you think you’ve had enough to drink? “I’m good.”

“I’d love a water,” Serena replied, smiling at her date as she sat down at the table with Dylan.

Once Ashton was out of earshot, Serena glanced at him, her expression infused with happiness. “He’s a great guy, don’t you think?”

God, it killed him that she wanted his approval, but her eyes were so hopeful as they waited for his reply, and Dylan exhaled a deep breath and chose his words carefully, because Serena’s safety was his priority. “He seems like a perfectly nice guy, except for the fact that he’s had more to drink than anyone else here tonight.”

That sparkle in her eyes dimmed a bit as she frowned at him. “He’s not drunk, if that’s what you’re insinuating.”

Again, Dylan took a moment to evaluate his thoughts before speaking. “Drunk is a relative term. Is he sloppy drunk and slurring his words and can’t keep his balance? No, he’s not. But he’s had seven drinks tonight and is currently ordering his eighth, which to me indicates a problem.”

Her gaze shifted to the bar, to the man who was already gulping down the liquor the bartender had just delivered in a glass. “Oh. I had no idea,” she said quietly. “I mean, I wasn’t really paying attention and he’s not showing any signs of being inebriated.”

At least now she was aware of the situation, even if he’d pretty much burst her bubble and put a damper on her evening. “He holds his liquor well enough that most people wouldn’t know he’s probably extremely intoxicated. And the fact that he can drink that much and act fine means he’s an experienced drinker.”

Ashton started their way, holding a glass of water in his hand, his own drink already gone, and Dylan knew he needed to say one more thi

ng, and quickly, before the other man arrived. “I just want you to be aware of the situation so you can be careful and make a smart decision about leaving with him tonight. In fact, I think you should be the one to drive the two of you home. Or if you’re not comfortable with that, then you know you can count on me to give you a ride.”

She nodded, doing her best to conceal her disappointment just as her date appeared at their table and handed her the glass of water she’d requested. She took a sip, her gaze studying Ashton above the rim, and it was obvious to Dylan that she was now looking at the other man in a whole new light. And he honestly felt bad . . . yet there was no way in hell that he’d allow Serena to get into a vehicle with this guy when his blood alcohol level was undoubtedly way over legal limits.

Soon after that, the bride and groom took off for their wedding night together, and the guests gradually started to disperse. Dylan was standing with Eric, trying to convince him to be a beta tester for the the Boyfriend Experience app before it officially launched—with Eric balking at the idea of being some woman’s ideal date—while the rest of the family gathered up their things so they could leave, as well.

Ashton and Serena joined them, her expression troubled now that she was aware of his drinking habits, though her date didn’t seem to notice her more subdued demeanor as he slid his hand into hers.

“It was great meeting all of you,” Ashton said, his tone steady and polite, despite the glassy look of his eyes. “I think we’re going to head out for the night.”

“You two have a good evening,” Grace said, smiling at them and oblivious to Serena’s uneasy demeanor.

After a round of goodbyes, Dylan waited for Serena to say something to her date, but instead she started to walk away with him. The last thing Dylan wanted to do was interfere, but the thought of something happening to her as a result of Ashton’s reckless behavior had him stepping forward, intending to stop them, just as Serena did the same.

He waited and watched as Serena withdrew her hand from Ashton’s, and her date gave her a quizzical look.

“Is something wrong?” he asked.

She swallowed nervously. “I think I should drive you home tonight.” Her voice was low in an attempt to keep things private between them, but Dylan was close enough to hear . . . and see the stiffening of Ashton’s body.

“Is there a reason why?” Now his tone was defensive and just on the edge of being belligerent. As if he knew exactly where this conversation was heading and was preparing himself for a fight.

“Because I think it’s the smart thing to do considering how much you’ve had to drink,” she said quietly but kindly.

He scoffed at her. “I’m fine, and I don’t appreciate you being the alcohol police and telling me how much is too much for me to drink. I’m a grown man, for crying out loud.”

Serena’s chin tipped up in that stubborn way of hers, and she held out her hand toward him. “Give me your keys, Ashton. Please.” Her voice was calm but firm, making Dylan proud that she was standing her ground.

Ashton smacked her hand away. “I’m not giving you my goddamn keys,” he said, the hostile tone to his voice drawing curious stares from departing guests. “And you’re embarrassing the shit out of me right now. Let’s go.” He grabbed her arm and jerked her toward the backyard gate, causing her to falter in her high-heel shoes.

A red haze of barely leashed anger flashed in front of Dylan. He wasn’t normally prone to violence, but he immediately bolted forward, his temper rising as he watched Serena struggle to break free from the other man’s grasp. There was no way in his lifetime that he was going to allow any guy to treat any woman, and especially his best girl, with such disrespect and aggression. Ever.

“Oh, fuck,” he heard Aiden mutter from somewhere behind him, but his brother’s concern was the least of Dylan’s worries.

Reaching Ashton, who’d turned into a flaming asshole, Dylan clamped a hand down on his shoulder, forcing the other man to a stop. “Let her go.” It wasn’t a request, but a demand.

Ashton spun around, shrugging off Dylan’s hold and tightening his grip on Serena’s arm, to the point that she winced in clear discomfort. “Are you kidding me right now? I’m taking my date home.”

“Do I look like I’m joking, asshole? She’s not interested in going anywhere with you.” Dylan wrapped his fist in the other man’s shirt and pushed him back, just hard enough that Ashton stumbled and finally released Serena, enabling him to regain his balance before he fell flat on his ass.

“Don’t fucking touch me,” Ashton said, loudly and furiously, as he suddenly came at Dylan. Although he hadn’t shown signs of being intoxicated earlier, his coordination wasn’t at its best now, and Ashton’s arm swung out awkwardly, yet his fist managed to clip Dylan in the jaw.