“I care about you so much,” he said, his voice as sincere as the look in his eyes. “We’re good together, and you know me better than anyone else. You’re my person, and I want you, and only you.”

There was no I love you to be found anywhere in that sentence. The hope that had blossomed in Serena’s chest wilted. The man standing in front of her was speaking logically and practically, his words coming from that pragmatic brain of his, and not his heart, where it mattered the most. After everything they’d been through, she needed more than just the logistics of why they belonged together. She wanted, needed the emotional, vulnerable component of it, too.

She shook her head sadly and withdrew her hand from his. “It’s not enough, Dylan. I deserve better. I deserve more.”

His brows creased in confusion, as if she were speaking in Greek back to him. In any other situation, she would have thought his reaction was adorably geeky, but in this case, when it came to winning her heart and winning her, she refused to spell out what she needed to hear from him, because hand-feeding him the words was too easy. It was something he had to figure out on his own, and he would, eventually, if he thought she was worth fighting for.

“More?” He echoed the word back to her, his expression perplexed. “What kind of more?”

God, he was so obtuse sometimes, and she gave him his one and only clue. “I want the fairy tale, Dylan.”

She wanted the fairy tale. Serena’s final statement to him before leaving Dylan standing alone in his mother’s guest bedroom was still rolling through his brain by the time he got home that same night. After she was gone, he’d walked back to the kitchen in a stupor, where Leo, who obviously knew why he’d gone after Serena, looked at him and immediately asked, “What did she say?”

“That she wanted the fairy tale,” he said, dumbfounded by what had just happened. He’d gone into the room believing he was going to win the girl, and instead he’d fallen flat on his face with a big ol’ whomp-whomp.


eo and Aiden had shared a laugh, and he’d watched Daisy and Peyton exchange an amused look. Even Isabella had blown a raspberry at him. The fact that he was left in the dark about Serena’s request annoyed the hell out of him.

He’d jammed his hands on his hips indignantly. “Anyone care to share what that means?”

“Nah,” Aiden had said before anyone else could provide the answer, his voice brimming with merriment. “I think it’ll be more fun, and way more meaningful, for you to figure it out on your own.”

“Asshole,” he’d muttered.

And now, he was at home by himself, sitting on his couch and absently flipping through the channels on his TV while mulling over what kind of fairy tale Serena was referring to. The only ones he knew of were in Disney movies. Pure fiction and not based in reality.

He came across the Hallmark Channel and stopped to watch the movie that was playing, wishing Serena was there with him because it was more fun viewing it with her than alone. Before long, he was sucked into the over-the-top, corny romance as the same old basic plot played out between the guy and the girl. He knew the story line by heart. They met and sparks flew. Usually there was some kind of opposition between the characters that caused a conflict to keep them separated. Then the big black moment, where the two of them were torn apart by their differences and all seemed lost.

But it was the part where they came to the realization that they just couldn’t live without one another that riveted Dylan, because it led into the cheesiest grand gesture from the guy that ultimately won the woman’s heart and made her swoon, along with a declaration of unending love.

Realization finally dawned. That was the fucking fairy tale that Serena was talking about. The words I love you that left no doubt in the woman’s mind that the guy was deeply, madly in love with her. Which was exactly how he felt about Serena . . . but he’d never told her.

Jesus Christ, it was that simple, but for a logic-minded guy, the notion had eluded him. But for a sentimental woman like Serena who was waiting to find her Prince Charming to sweep her off her feet, those heartfelt words meant everything.

And now that he knew what she wanted, what she needed, he was going to give Serena the fairy tale she’d waited her whole life for, and the one she deserved.

When Serena’s doorbell rang late Sunday afternoon, her first thought was that it was Dylan. Instead, when she peered through the peephole, she saw an older man dressed in a black suit that looked like a uniform. Confused, she cracked the door open so she could look at the gentleman, who greeted her with a smile.

“Can I help you?” she asked, certain he was at the wrong door.

“Are you Serena Fields?” he asked politely.

“Yes.” Now she was even more perplexed.

“My name is Duke Frasier,” he said, introducing himself as he lifted a shiny, gray Nordstrom’s box, topped with a big bow, toward her. There was also an envelope with her name on it. “This package is for you, from Dylan Stone.”

Surprise lit through her. “Oh.” She accepted the package, unable to guess what might be inside. “Thank you.”

Duke nodded. “There’s a note in the envelope. I’ll wait right here while you read it and follow the instructions inside.” He stepped away from the door and assumed a professional stance.

After closing the door, she headed into the kitchen and set the box on the counter. She opened the envelope first and read the message inside. Serena, please change into this outfit and leave with Duke. He will take you where you need to be. I promise you won’t regret it. Dylan.

She wrinkled her nose in surprise and confusion. It was all so cryptic, considering she hadn’t seen or heard from him since last night at his mother’s. But she was willing to follow his request, because she still loved him and wanted to hold on to hope.

Lifting the lid on the box, she moved the tissue paper aside and gasped at what she found inside. A gorgeous dress in a violet hue, with a fitted bodice and a flowy chiffon skirt. There was also a pair of bone-colored heels to go with it. The outfit was far more modest than the one she’d worn in Vegas, but much more her style. She couldn’t imagine that he’d picked it out himself, but in this case, she was okay going with it was the thought that counted.

She changed, and after a quick look in the mirror, she decided to put on a light layer of makeup and leave her hair down and wavy, just the way she knew Dylan liked it best. Twenty minutes later, she met Duke outside, and he led the way out to a limousine parked at the curb and opened the back door for her. She slid onto the soft, supple leather seat and saw that there was already a flute of champagne waiting for her in the glass holder and an open box of Godiva with her favorite chocolates tucked inside.