“Okay, fine,” Dylan said, realizing that Eric wasn’t going to give in or agree. “But trust me, this app is going to be huge once it launches.”

“Yeah, okay . . .” Eric’s voice trailed off as his gaze seemed to focus on something over Dylan’s shoulder. “Jesus Christ. I think we’re looking at double trouble coming right at us.”

Dylan turned his head to see what Eric was talking about and felt his mouth go dry at the sight of Serena and Chelsea being led their way by the hostess. But it was Serena who held his full, riveted attention, because holy shit, she looked like a certified goddess in a pale gold, shimmering dress that outlined her centerfold curves. Lush breasts. Nipped-in waist and the flare of her hips. And long, slender legs that ended in a pair of four-inch heels with straps that wrapped provocatively around her ankles.

She’d worn her hair down in soft waves that fell over her bare shoulders, with the ends teasing the upper swells of her firm breasts. Her makeup was more dramatic and smoky hued than her normally fresh-faced look, her chest and arms dusted with the tiniest flecks of gold, and there was a sultry confidence to her walk that made his dick sit up and take notice.

Eric jabbed him in the side with his elbow, knocking Dylan out of his stupor. “You might want to pick up your jaw off the floor before the girls get to the table. It’s not polite to drool in public.”

Dylan snapped his mouth shut, but the heated buzz of awareness sluicing through his veins wasn’t so easy diverted. It just kept heading inappropriately south until the front of his pants felt way too tight. Jesus, keeping his attraction to Serena concealed on a regular basis was difficult enough, but this bombshell had his hormones flipping into overdrive.

“Look out, gentlemen,” Chelsea said with flair as the two of them arrived. “I convinced Serena to embrace her wild side tonight.”

The girls sat down, with Chelsea taking the chair next to Eric and Serena settling into the one next to him as the hostess placed menus in front of them, then left them alone. The scent of whatever perfume Serena was wearing seduced his senses further, and it was all he could do to keep his eyes on her beautiful face, instead of the creamy swells of her breasts.

He tried hard not to acknowledge the fact that this version of his best friend had him more than a little hot and bothered. “Serena doesn’t have a wild side that I know of.” Okay, yeah, maybe that wasn’t the best thing to say, because he didn’t care for the daring arch of her brow as she met his gaze.

“Are you insinuating that I’m boring?”

Yep. There was a definite challenge in that question. “Not boring, per se. Just . . . conservative. That dress is indecent compared to anything I’ve ever seen you wear.” So much so that he had to resist the urge to take off his jacket and cover her up with it so no other guy had the chance to ogle her. He was sure this was his punishment for giving Chelsea free rein with his credit card to buy an outfit for Serena.

Amusement shifted across her face. “Indecent? Really?”

“Do not answer that, bro,” Eric cut in quickly, laughter in his voice. “Trust me, it’s a trap. There is no right answer, and you’re going to dig yourself deeper than you already are.”

Dylan chose to ignore Eric. “You look . . . beautiful,” he said instead, hoping that would diffuse the situation, but instead Serena just rolled her eyes as if he’d insulted her.

Eric groaned. “From indecent to beautiful?” he echoed incredulously. “Jesus Christ, Dylan. You’re giving Serena whiplash and those are not the compliments these ladies are waiting for.?

?? He glanced from Serena to Chelsea, a charming smile curving his lips. “Let me set the two of you straight since this idiot doesn’t know how to flatter a woman. You both look fucking hot and sexy.”

Both girls beamed as though Eric had bestowed riches upon them. “Thank you,” they said at the same time.

Much to Dylan’s relief, their waiter arrived, shifting the conversation to the evening’s specials while he opened the champagne and filled everyone’s glasses with the bubbly wine. Once everyone placed their orders and the other man was gone, Serena glanced at him and picked up her flute.

“So, do we have something to celebrate tonight?” she asked curiously, her peach-hued lips glossy and enticing in the dim lighting. “Like a signed contract?”

“Yes, we do.” They all lifted their glasses and toasted to his success, and after he gave the girls the key details of the meeting, Chelsea started chatting with Eric . . . or rather continued flirting with him, which had started at the airport this morning.

Serena turned her attention to him, her eyes soft and appreciative. “Thank you for buying me the dress and shoes today, even if you weren’t there at the store to approve of the purchase.”

There was a wry note to her voice, and he knew she was referring back to his stupid indecent remark, which he suddenly wanted to make up for. “I really do approve. The dress looks amazing on you.”

Her bright, happy smile was like pure sunshine. “Thank you.” She self-consciously touched her fingers to her chest and drew them down to where her cleavage started. “You know, this dress isn’t normally me, or anything close to what I’d buy for myself.”

“I know.” Which was why the whole package was so fucking sexy and had him feeling possessive and protective and all out of sorts. “But I’m glad you spoiled yourself.” Which was something she rarely ever did.

“Well, you really shouldn’t have,” she said, her tone sincere.

“Why not?” he asked, watching her take a drink of her champagne, then lick a droplet from her bottom lip that made him thirsty as hell for the same taste.

“Because it was a lot of money.”

“I know,” he said with a laugh. “I got the credit card alert text on my phone when the charge went through.”

She winced, as if the thought of the cost physically hurt her. “I’m so sorry.”

“I swear I didn’t say that to make you feel bad.” God, what the fuck was wrong with him and his choice of words tonight? Trying to make up for being an ass, he reached out and placed his hand over hers on the table, noticing the way her lips parted and her eyes went soft at his touch. “You’re worth it, Serena.” He meant it. Besides, the outfit had barely put a dent in his bank account.