After a brisk knock on the door to announce his arrival, he opened it, and just as they stepped inside, a pretty older woman, followed by a few other people, came over to greet them. Leo introduced her to his mother, Grace, first, and before Peyton could offer her hand, the other woman pulled her into a warm, welcoming hug.

“I’m so happy to meet you, Peyton,” she said, her words and tone genuine, and even though his mother had been told that they were just friends, there was an unmistakable glimmer of hope in her gaze as she smiled at Peyton.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, as well,” Peyton said with a smile.

From there, she met Grace’s beau, Charles, who had the kindest blue eyes and a charming demeanor, and both of Leo’s good-looking brothers, Aiden and Dylan, followed by Serena and a noticeably pregnant Daisy, whose complexion glowed beautifully. They made their way to the open-concept kitchen and dining room, which was decorated in pink and blue streamers and balloons. Sitting on the kitchen island was an adorable cake with half of it decorated in pink polka dot frosting and the other half in blue with a big question mark in the middle and the words, He or She, what will it be?

Leo groaned as he took in the baby décor. “Really, Mom? Don’t you think this is all a little overkill just to find out the sex of the baby?”

“I asked her the same thing,” Dylan said with a laugh.

Grace arched a delicate brow at her sons that made it clear who was in charge in this house. “I was starting to think I wasn’t going to get grandchildren out of any of you boys. So yes, I’m going to enjoy every moment of my daughter-in-law’s pregnancy and spoil that baby rotten when it’s born.”

Aiden sighed as he came up behind Daisy and wrapped his arm around her expanding waistline, then kissed her on the cheek, the gesture sweet and intimate. “We were just going to find out the sex of the baby and tell everyone and be done with it, but Mom insisted that we keep it a secret and have the doctor put the gender into an envelope, then she took it to the bakery for the cake. Right now, the people who baked the cake are the only ones who know if this baby is a boy or girl.”

“Just think how exciting it’s going to be when you cut that cake open,” Grace said as she went to the stove to check a casserole that looked as though it had just been pulled from the oven.

“We can’t wait,” Aiden drawled with exaggerated enthusiasm, which earned him a jab in the ribs from his wife’s elbow.

“Behave yourself,” Daisy chastised him lightheartedly. “And let your mother have her fun.”

“Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?” Peyton asked.

“Girl,” Aiden said the same time that Daisy said, “Boy.”

Everyone laughed at their contradicting answers.

Daisy rubbed her rounded belly, covered by a cute white maternity top that she’d paired with leggings. “Honestly, I know it sounds trite, but we just want a healthy baby.”

“Girl,” Aiden added to the end of her sentence, a teasing glimmer in his eyes.

Daisy turned her head to look up at her husband’s handsome face. “Well, you usually get your way, so I’m sure it will be.”

“I get my way only when it matters,” he replied, dipping his head near Daisy’s ear. “That’s why you’re wearing my ring on your finger, sweetheart.”

“Oh my God,” Dylan said, rolling his eyes dramatically. “You two are giving me a stomachache with all that sugary sweetness.”

“What you’re feeling is pure jealousy,” Aiden told him, taking no offense to his brother’s comment.

Dylan denied his sibling’s remark, but Peyton had to admit that she was feeling a little envious of this couple who was so blissfully happy and clearly in love, despite the fact that the pregnancy hadn’t been planned. Obviously, it didn’t matter, and these two were meant to be together, because it was clear that Aiden adored his wife.

Peyton liked her life in Ne

w York, and she loved her career. She’d never thought of herself as a white-picket-fence kind of girl, but seeing Aiden and Daisy sharing all those intimacies that couples in love exchanged made her long for something . . . more. And that was a first for her considering all the guys she’d dated and found lacking.

Her gaze automatically shifted to Leo, because she suddenly imagined that more being with him. Except there was no indication that, beyond this week, he wanted to continue anything with her. And even if he did, was it possible to pursue a relationship considering the distance between them?

“Okay, all you boys, Charles included,” Grace said, interrupting Peyton’s thoughts. “You all need to go out onto the deck and have a beer while we girls chitchat until dinner is ready.”

Grace shooed the men out the back slider, and they all went willingly. She returned to the kitchen to make a salad, refusing any help that was offered, which left Peyton, Daisy, and Serena to sit on the stools at the marbled island.

“So, Leo said that you met in college?” Grace asked, clearly inviting more conversation.

The two other women looked at her, just as curious to hear her response, but she wasn’t saying anything that wasn’t already the real truth. “Yes. We had a chemistry class together and were partners for our lab. He was dating Amanda at that time.”

Peyton immediately stopped talking. She had no idea why that last part about Amanda had even popped out of her mouth, and the silence that descended made her feel extremely uncomfortable and she instantly regretted every word. “I’m so sorry,” she rushed to apologize for her faux pas. “I know things didn’t work out between them . . .” Shit. She just needed to shut up.

“Don’t worry about it,” Grace said kindly.