“You ready to put a ring on her finger yet?” Eric teased, pulling his thoughts back to the two of them.

“Ha, ha,” Leo replied, his tone laced with sarcasm. “She’s leaving for New York on Sunday, where she lives, if you’ve forgotten. There is nothing real about this relationship,” he added, wondering who he was really trying to convince.

Leo changed the subject to the contract opened up in front of him so he could discuss the terms of the deal they’d brokered with an investment firm in Chicago who regularly did business in San Diego and wanted a car service on retainer for their executives. The next hour passed quickly as Eric also brought him up to speed on the low-mileage Mercedes G-Class SUV that that they were seriously considering adding to their fleet of vehicles.

Once they were caught back up on all business-related items, Eric headed out for a lunch appointment and Leo stayed in the office to return a few calls and go through some applications that had come in for the new driver they were looking to hire.

The ping of an incoming text on Leo’s cell phone a while later had him glancing at the not

ification on the screen, a part of him hoping that it was a note from Peyton. Instead, he saw his brother Dylan’s name and number and the first line of a message that read, I know you’re busy hooking up with your new girlfriend, but—

Leo rolled his eyes at that glimpse into Dylan’s text, and in order to see the rest of the tongue-in-cheek comment his brother had sent, he unlocked his phone and tapped on the icon.

I know you’re busy hooking up with your new girlfriend, but this is just a reminder so you don’t forget. That baby reveal thing at Mom’s tomorrow night for Aiden and Daisy is at seven.

“Shit,” he muttered beneath his breath, because he had forgotten all about the family dinner that was also when Aiden and Daisy were revealing the gender of their baby, which they didn’t even know yet and would discover along with everyone else when they cut open a cake and saw either pink or blue inside. Leo was genuinely happy for the two of them, and he wouldn’t miss the small, intimate get-together. But that meant figuring out what to tell Peyton’s parents about him being out for the evening tomorrow night without their daughter.

Before Leo could respond, his phone pinged again, showing another text from Dylan. I already told Mom that you have a plus one, so no need to ditch your girlfriend, because she’s expecting Peyton to be there, too.

Leo frowned at his phone. Seriously? His brother couldn’t keep his big mouth shut about Peyton? Thanks, you asshole, he typed back, because there was no doubt in Leo’s mind that Dylan had deliberately dropped that bit of news to their mother, who’d been hoping that he’d get back into the dating game after Amanda.

Did you tell Mom the situation? Leo asked, needing to know what he was walking into and if his mother was aware of what Peyton had done.

No, she was just so excited that you’re dating someone again that I couldn’t bring myself to burst her bubble and tell her it was all fake. Dylan followed that up with a laughing/crying emoticon.

You’re such a jerk.

That’s what little brothers are for. To be a pain in the ass to his siblings.

Job well done. Leo added a sarcastic clapping emoticon. Does Aiden know the situation with Peyton?

I haven’t had a chance to tell him yet, but I figure we can have a good laugh over it at your expense when he does find out.

Yeah, total jerk. Don’t say anything about this temporary arrangement with Peyton. I’ll introduce her as a friend from New York. No sense getting the family all excited about a woman who won’t be around after Sunday.

You are seriously such a killjoy. But okay. My lips are sealed.

Leo exhaled a relieved breath as he tapped out his reply. Thank you. Are you bringing Serena? Leo asked of his brother’s lifelong best friend, who was normally his plus one at family get-togethers.

Of course. She’s excited to be an honorary aunt. Swear to God, she’s got baby fever going on and Aiden getting married and having a kid is just exacerbating it because she’s feeling like her biological clock is ticking and she’s missing out. He added a hilariously laughing emoticon. She needs to get married already, but unfortunately she keeps attracting guys who end up being such assholes and douchebags.

Leo smirked to himself, because his brother was so obtuse when it came to Serena and the wistful way she looked at him when she thought no one was looking. Maybe you should just marry her.

Har, har. You’re such a comedian. Marriage, to anyone, is not in my foreseeable future, thankyouverymuch.

Leo sighed in agreement. You and me both, brother. See you tomorrow night.

After sending that last text, he stayed a few more hours at the office, then headed back to Peyton’s parents’ place around four in the afternoon. As he walked around the side yard that led to the guesthouse, he saw Peyton reclining on a lounge chair, sunglasses on and her e-reader in her hand. The beauty of living in San Diego was the near constant eighty-degree weather, and clearly she was enjoying basking in the sun.

And he was enjoying all the smooth, lightly tanned skin on display, he mused as he watched her set her tablet on a side table and take off her sunglasses, then glance his way with a happy smile as he approached her. Instead of wearing the modest one-piece swimsuit she’d worn the past couple of days when they’d hung out at the pool together, today she had on a bikini that accentuated her curves. Little triangles of bright red fabric covered her breasts, matching the material of the bottoms that were held together with ties on each side of her hips.

Reaching her, he resisted the urge to tug on those strings to release the bows and instead braced his hands on the metal frame of her chair by her head, leaned down, and kissed her hard and deep, bypassing any kind of sweet, seductive tactics. He kissed her like she was really his girlfriend and claiming her soft, lush mouth was his right and privilege. Not that she complained. No, when it came to their physical chemistry, they were always on the same page and perfectly in sync.

She gasped in surprise at his aggression but instantly yielded to the firm press of his lips against hers, welcoming the dip and swirl of his tongue into her mouth. She grabbed the front of his shirt, twisted the material in her fingers, and tried to pull him closer. He groaned and his dick responded accordingly. As much as he wanted to lay his body over hers and do dirty things to her in that sexy bathing suit, and out of it, her parents were home and could easily come outside any time. He wasn’t keen on getting caught with his pants down with their daughter.

Knowing he had to stop while he still could, he lifted his head, watching the flutter of her lashes as she opened her eyes and stared up at him with desire darkening her gaze. “Are you trying to tempt me into doing indecent things to you out in your parents’ backyard by flaunting your gorgeous body in this bright red, itty bitty bikini?” he asked in a husky murmur.

She smiled coyly as she released his shirt, but still touched him by splaying her hand on his chest. “Maybe.”