“Yes, it was a very good morning,” he murmured, because he clearly thought as her boyfriend he could get away with such an intimate comment.

“See, I thought so,” her mother said, obviously agreeing as she joined them at the table. “There is nothing wrong with a morning—”

“Tawny, the kids really don’t need your opinion on the matter,” Peyton’s father said abruptly, and smoothly changed the subject. “Now, if you could pass me the blueberry muffins, I’d appreciate it.”

Thankfully, things went back to normal as they all filled their plates with scrambled eggs and bacon. Several delicious bites into the meal, her father spoke again.

“So, while you girls are at that shower thing for Candace today,” he said of the bride-to-be, who was also his niece and Peyton’s cousin, “Leo is going to join me and my buddies for a round of golf.”

“I didn’t know you played golf,” Peyton said, realizing after the words left her mouth that as Leo’s girlfriend, she should have been aware of his hobbies and extracurricular activities.

“That’s because it’s been a few years since I’ve played,” he interjected smoothly, his gaze assuring her that he really did have experience with the game. “The last time I was on a golf course was well before I met you.”

Nice save, she thought gratefully. “Are you sure?” She wasn’t certain how Leo felt about spending an entire afternoon with her father and wanted to give him an out if he needed one. “Because I know you wanted to do some sight-seeing today.” Wink, wink.

Her father scoffed at that suggestion. “I’m not letting him spend the day by himself. He can go sight-seeing with you later on in the week.” Carson lightly slapped Leo’s back. “Besides, I want to get to know the man who has stolen my little girl’s heart.”

Leo must have seen the panic that flickered across Peyton’s expression at the thought of her father grilling her fake boyfriend, because he gave her thigh a reassuring squeeze.

“Don’t worry about me, Pixie,” he said, his easygoing tone reassuring her. “You go and have a nice day with your mom at your cousin’s shower, and I’ll do my best not to slow down your father’s golf game too badly because I’m so out of practice.”

“All right.” She just had to trust that everything between her father and Leo would be okay… and that she could keep her heart out of the equation when it came to spending the next week with Leo.

* * *

After stopping at a Bed Bath & Beyond so Peyton could buy a gift for Candace off of her registry, Peyton and her mother arrived at the luncheon, which was being held in the large backyard of the bride’s mother’s house, who was also Peyton’s aunt and her father’s sister, who’d married into money and liked to do everything in a big, no-expense-spared kind of way because they had appearances to maintain. Growing up, Peyton had spent some time with Candace at family events, but they’d never been super close. Because they’d lived in different districts, they hadn’t attended the same schools, and as they’d gotten older and pursued their own interests, those get-togethers became even fewer and further between.

Still, she was happy for her cousin, who was marrying a guy she’d been dating for the past two years. From what Peyton’s mother had shared with her, Candace’s fiancé, Jake Wallace, came from a wealthy family, as well, and he worked in real estate. Next week’s wedding was supposed to be huge, with over three hundred guests attending the nuptials and reception.

As Peyton and her mother followed the decorated path at the side of the estate home to the backyard, it was like arriving in a fantasy wonderland with arches of balloons, elaborate floral arrangements, and a gazebo decorated in ivy and roses. The dozen round tables on the lawn were set with silver and crystal and draped in expensive-looking lace—which was way overkill for a bridal shower, in Peyton’s opinion, and had to have cost a small fortune.

She didn’t recognize many of the people at the party, just extended family that she hadn’t seen in years, whom she greeted in quick, passing hellos. While her mother engaged in a conversation with Peyton’s aunt, she accepted a glass of champagne from a waiter’s tray and waited for the shower to begin.

Two sips into the amazing-tasting bubbly, Peyton saw her cousin heading her way with a big smile on her face. Candace was gorgeous—tall and lithe with thick blonde hair that no doubt received weekly conditioning treatments because it looked so soft and shiny. She was wearing a rose-hued lace dress that looked designer label and a pair of more-than-Peyton-made-in-a-week pumps, the kind with the iconic red sole.

Peyton wasn’t ashamed to admit to clothing envy, because her cousin had great taste in fashion. Then again, Candace was a fashion blogger and had solid relationships with both high-end and up-and-coming designers who sent her samples and gifts in exchange for exposure and reviews on her blog and podcast. Her cousin was a fashionista because she could afford to be one, and Peyton had been drawn to fashion because she’d learned to create similar versions of the cute designer outfits that she never could afford for herself.

“Peyton! It’s so good to see you,” Candace said, her words and tone sincere as she enveloped Peyton in a warm hug scented with an expensive perfume. “It’s literally been, well, years!”

“It’s great to see you, too, Candace,” Peyton said, returning the smile and sentiment as her cousin released her from the affectionate embrace. “Everything is absolutely beautiful, inc

luding you. Congratulations on getting married.”

“Thank you.” Candace grabbed Peyton’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “I’m so sorry to hug and run, but my fiancé’s grandmother just arrived and I need to greet her. We’ll catch up later?”

“Sure,” Peyton said, and off her cousin went, and since she was the center of attention today, Peyton knew any chance of them having alone time would be next to impossible.

Within the next half hour, guests were seated for a three-course luncheon while Candace’s maid of honor made a lovely speech that had most everyone dabbing their eyes with their napkins. A delicious cake was served, games were played, and, thank God, presents were not unwrapped in front of everyone because with over seventy people in attendance, it would take forever to get through all of them. Instead, the bride-to-be opted to take fun photos with each of her guests to commemorate the day.

When most of the activities had died down, Peyton made her way over to the dessert table that was filled with cupcakes, cookies, candy, and other treats. It wasn’t as though she needed anything else after a slice of cake, but she was drawn to the variety of macarons on display, and since everyone else seemed otherwise occupied, she indulged by herself, grateful for the quiet and solitude. She picked up a small plate and selected a vanilla butter cream, a strawberry-jam-filled one, and another that was chocolate meringue on the outside with a peanut butter filling inside.

She took a bite of the light vanilla cookie just as her cousin joined her at the table, looking like she needed a break from all the attention focused on her.

“Oh my God, I’m exhausted,” she said, confirming Peyton’s thoughts. “I can’t believe my mother insisted on inviting so many people today. I wanted something small and intimate, but noooo, Mom was adamant that she go all out.”

Peyton laughed as Candace rolled her eyes. “Well, it was a lovely shower.”

Her cousin shook her head. “Enough about me and this circus going on around me, which will extend through next week. I hear you have a plus one coming to the wedding and that this guy could be ‘the one’?”