“Now may I come in and join you?” she asked seriously.

They were back to his still-aching dick and the fact that more than anything it wanted to be buried in her tight, wet pussy. And if that’s what she was expecting, too, he needed to set her straight. “I didn’t pack any condoms with me,” he told her.

Looking slightly disappointed, she boldly splayed her hand on his chest and gave him a push out of her way so she could step inside the shower with him. “Then maybe you should take care of that while you’re out today sight-seeing,” she suggested, dragging that same hand down his sternum, across his rippling abs, and lower.

He groaned like a dying man when she curled her slender fingers around his cock and gently tugged. “Peyton . . .”

She lifted her free hand and set two fingers on his mouth to quiet him, then lifted on her tiptoes to replace them with the tantalizing, teasing brush of her lips against his as she spoke. “Let me return the favor.” Another kiss at the corner of his mouth. “I want to feel all this hard male heat sliding through my hand and your cock pulse against my palm as you come,” she murmured, getting even for when he’d told her that he wanted to feel her come around his fingers. “And next time, I want to feel you driving so deep inside of me I can barely breathe.”

“Jesus fuck,” he murmured, staring in wonder and shock at the woman who’d just dirty talked her way into his heart.

She laughed softly, sensually, as she pulled back just enough to look into his eyes while squeezing and stroking his dick with slow, thorough precision. “Not so cute and adorable now, am I?”

He lifted his hands and buried all of his fingers into her hair, tipping her head back and getting ready to devour her decadent mouth. “No, you’re a goddamn minx,” he said and crushed his mouth to hers.

He kissed her hungrily, roughly, probing her mouth as deeply as he wanted to thrust into her body, but for now, he had to settle for the snug clasp of her hand. But even that felt so damn good, and his hips surged forward, driving his cock through her fist, again and again. He tangled his tongue with hers and twisted her damp hair in his fingers, drowning himself in the sweet, hot taste of her.

She made those sexy, mewling sounds in the back of her throat, and his need and desire intensified. Leaning into him, she deliberately rubbed her breasts and stiff nipples against his wet chest while the head of his dick pushed against her soft stomach with every wild, uncontrollable thrust through her hand, and he fucking lost it.

He growled against her lips as his orgasm tore through him like a jolt of electricity, and he came so hard his scalding climax seemed to erupt from him in endless spurts that slickened her hand and coated her belly with his release.

When his hips finally stopped jerking, she smiled against his mouth. “Hmmm. I think we’re even now.”

She sounded very pleased with herself, and an abrupt, breathless chuckle rolled up from his throat as he lifted his head and looked down at her flushed face and lips swollen from his kisses. “I wasn’t keeping score, but at least now I can face your parents without a raging hard-on tenting my pants.”

She laughed huskily, a happy sparkle in her eyes. “I’m sure they’ll appreciate that.”

Chapter Six

Peyton nearly skipped her way across the backyard to her parents’ single-story house, feeling ah-may-zing from the fun and sexy morning she’d shared with Leo. They’d both enjoyed orgasms, and he’d been right to call her a greedy girl, because she wanted so many more with Leo before her week with him was over.

The word over made her stomach tumble and her stride falter, because she already knew how difficult it was going to be to walk away from Leo next Sunday when she had to return to New York and her life waiting for her there. Then again, they’d gone into this whole pretend relationship with the agreement that it would be casual and fun, with no promises to muddy the waters. She had to respect those rules and boundaries, even if she’d spent the years since college being half in love with Leo. Spending time with him now only solidified those one-sided feelings even more because he was genuinely a really good guy and unlike anyone else she’d ever dated.

She exhaled a deep breath as she reached the back slider that led into the kitchen and reminded herself that this arrangement was all about enjoying her time with Leo and steering clear of anything serious. With that pep talk in mind, she thought about her morning with her hot temporary boyfriend, which put her in a much better mood, along with producing a smile on her face, before walking into the house.

As soon as she entered, she sa

w Leo sitting at the table, drinking a cup of coffee, and having an amicable conversation with her father, but as she closed the sliding glass door, Leo shifted his gaze to her. After their enjoyable tryst in the shower just a little while ago, Leo had rinsed off and let her finish washing her hair and body while he got dressed for the day. Since she had to dry her hair and put on makeup, he’d opted to head up to the house for a cup of coffee and to hang with her parents until she joined him—to make a good impression, he’d told her with a grin.

But now, his attention was all on her, and his warm gaze took in the pretty floral-patterned fit and flare dress and strappy heels she’d worn for the bridal shower she was going to with her mother today.

“I don’t think I’ve seen you wear that dress before and I like it,” he said with a smile that made her stomach swoop. “Did you make that one yourself?”

His question surprised her, because he was genuinely interested and made her realize how much he’d paid attention to their conversation that first night when she’d arrived in San Diego. Unlike all the other guys she’d dated in the city, Leo remembered she was an apparel designer in New York. Albeit, currently an unemployed one.

She didn’t make all her clothes, but when she had the spare time, she did enjoy making skirts, blouses, and dresses to wear. “Yes, I did make this one,” she said, and gave a little twirl just to keep things light and flirty, and watched as his darkening gaze dropped to the way the skirt swirled around her thighs. “I’m happy you like it.”

“Yes, you do look very pretty,” her mother agreed as she carried a platter of crisp strips of bacon to the table. “And it definitely helps that your complexion is glowing, too.”

Peyton resisted the urge to press her palms to her rapidly warming cheeks. “Mom,” she said beneath her breath.

“Well, it’s true,” Tawny said as she passed Peyton again to gather the rest of the breakfast she’d made. “You just look happy . . . and like you had a very good morning.”

Feeling flustered, Peyton glanced back at Leo, who merely smirked and shrugged as if to say, who am I to refute that statement?

“Peyty,” Tawny went on, as if she hadn’t just embarrassed the heck out of her daughter, “get yourself something to drink while I put the eggs and muffins on the table.”

While her mother handled breakfast, Peyton sat beside Leo and poured herself a glass of orange juice from the pitcher already there. He leaned toward her and brushed his lips across her cheek while settling his hand on her thigh beneath the table, making her remember just how talented those fingers of his were.