Page 134 of Offensive Behavior


“How is that reasonable?”

“It’s not. But neither are you. You were born without the reasonable gene. One day we might be able to steal you one on the reasonable gene black market, but until then having Zarley in your life makes you a more acceptable human being. I kind of like you again.”

Oh far out, that was good to hear.

“What are you doing sitting there like a packet of unsent data? It might not be as bad as you think.”

He could only hope it wasn’t, even as his gut told him it was. “It’s called work.”

Dev stood. “It’s called stalling.”

He reached for his cell. “Aren’t you paid to do something around here?”

“I’m glad you’re here,” Dev said, repeating what he’d said at the hospital, but this time he looked like he meant it.

Zarley didn’t answer her cell. She didn’t answer at the apartment. He called Sports Pro because maybe he’d forgotten when her shift was. They told him she was on a break. She didn’t get breaks. She got straight four-hour shifts. He rang back. This time he was told she

wasn’t working today. He had an urge to wreck something or to scream at someone. He got on the bike and went home. Before he put his key in the door he knew she wasn’t there, but he had to see what she’d left behind.

He saw the note on the dining table and understood in a wave of nausea that rolled through his body that it was the worst set of words he’d ever have the misfortune of reading. Worse than those he’d had to write to explain his own humiliation.

He had to sit.

He had to fall in love with Zarley all over again at such a great pace from such a great height he’d never fear flying again.

He had to get her back or nothing made sense.

He called Sarina. She was visiting Owen at the rehab center, so that made it opportune. He tried out an idea on her. The timing was right for that, and they all agreed.

When he could talk again without his voice being five kinds of cut up, he called Plus and asked for Cara.

“Any chance you know where Zarley is now?”

“Uh. Hey, Reid.”

“Cara.” Might’ve been smarter to start with a greeting, and since he’d never called Cara at work that could’ve put her on edge.

“You can’t ask me that.”

No edge then. “I’m asking. You’re a grown-up, you can tell me to fuck off.”

“Fuck off.”


“Are you going to fire me now?”

“No,” he shouted. “I’m not going fire you, idiot.”

“Good, because I like this job, though the guy running this company can be a nutter.”

“Okay,” voice back to conversational human. “I’m sorry.”

“Me too, Reid.” Oh shit, she didn’t mean this exchange. “I can’t tell you anything. But you could try Kathryn and if you don’t find Zarley don’t worry, I’ve got her.”
