Page 103 of Getting Real

“He thought I was a stripper or worse, didn’t he?”

He snorted. “Yeah, probably.”

“I told you I wasn’t parent-friendly.”

“You did fine, Rie, thank you. It’s made me really happy to have you here tonight. You’ll have to wait til we get back to the hotel so I can show you how happy.”

“Really, I have to wait?” Monty dropped the ball at her feet. It made a splat sound. “I thought we might have a tour of your old room.”

Jake grinned, reached for Rielle and pulled her against his chest. “There’s an idea. You sure you want to do that? It’s not like it’s been kept a shrine to me. I’ve been gone a long time. It’s pretty much a guest room now.”

She turned in his arms. “I’d still like to see it.”

During dessert all Jake could think of was getting Rielle into his old bedroom and tumbling her on the bed. It wasn’t actually his old single bed, though he did sleep in this one from time to time, but the whole notion of having her in that room, while his parents clattered dishes in the kitchen, was a major turn on.

He reached for her hand under the table and she took it willingly, letting him link his fingers through hers. Until he saw her in the kitchen when they arrived, looking like a fantasy from a parallel universe, he hadn’t focussed on how strange it would be for her to be enveloped by someone else’s family. He knew she’d done this for him and it made him want her all that more desperately.

Knocking back an offer of seconds, Jake stood, Rielle’s hand still grasped in his. “We’re going to my room to listen to records,” he said, coming out with words he thought he might’ve used if he’d ever brought a girl home during his teens. Choking on his laughter and the surprised looks on Trish and Mick’s faces, he dragged Rielle through the lounge room, down the hall and into his old room, backing her up against the closed door.

She said, “Steady tiger,” and they collapsed into each other’s arms laughing hysterically. He didn’t wait for her to catch her breath before tossing her on the bed and kissing her senseless.

Flopping on his back and pulling Rielle onto his chest so he could look in her violet eyes, he said, “Thank you. It means a lot to me that you’re here.”

“They’re nice, your parents. Can’t think what they’ll make of me.”

“Why would you worry about that? It’s not your problem what they think.”

“But I don’t want it to be your problem.”

He looked at her quizzically. “What do you mean?”

She tucked her head down into his neck. She smelled of apricot pie and mothballs and dog and it wasn’t revolting, because it was Rielle. “I don’t know.”

“Could it be, Ms Mainline, that you might miss me when I’m not around?”

She went very still.

“It’s okay, Rie, I was joking.” He gave her a little shake, wanting to recapture the earlier fun; cursing himself for making it too serious.

Rielle lifted her head and a breath away from his lips whispered, “Teenage boys just don’t know when to shut up,” and he was only too happy to prove her wrong.

As a kid, Jake thought the closest he’d ever come to having a rock star in his bedroom was a poster on the wall. The one he was making out with was flesh and blood and attitude more than he could handle. And the fact his parents were only two rooms away, and likely all ears, made the whole thing a million times more exciting than his wildest wet dreams.

42. Cupcakes and Come Downs

“Reedy, she’s just arrived,” said Tef.

“Can you bring her in? I’ll meet you over on the grassed area.”

Tef took off with a smile. Mum was one groupie the guys would be happy to see and not because she was willing to put out for a backstage pass. Her put out was universally shared, free of obligation and all sugar—literally.

There was already a huddle of roadies when Jake arrived with Glen and Bodge. His mum was somewhere in the middle of it. They could hear her laughing. She was Wendy Darling with all the lost boys clamouring for her attention.

Jake waited until the crowd thinned; roadies going past him with strawberry, lemon and chocolate iced cupcakes in their hands and smiles on their faces.

Lizard said, “Your mum’s a top bird, Reedy,” as he sauntered past, licking crumbs from his fingers.

“Hello darling,” she called when she saw him. “Oh, is that Bodge with you?”