Page 40 of Getting Real

Rand shifted uncomfortably. He was desperately trying to think of a way to extract himself with some grace, and not completely humiliate the two girls. Most of the room had seen them now and there was a general tittering. He heard someone say, “Is this a joke? It’s a double bad taste fat-a-gram.”

Ceedee joined Stu, standing in front of him, letting him wrap his arms around her and Roley used the general laughter to break cover and melt into the crowded room.

When Plait kissed Rand’s cheek, he knew he had to extract himself quickly. There were phone cameras everywhere. There were Facebook pages and Twitter feeds simply begging for some of this. “Girls, it’s been nice to meet you, but it’s been a long day for me. I need to be getting back to the hotel.”

“That’s cool,” said Plump, “we’ll come with you. I get a staff discount so I got us our own room for later, you know. We figured you’d probably throw us out after a while.” She tittered.

Bloody hell, what had Jonas told this chick? Way more than was sensible, that’s for sure. “I… ah… have some things to do here first. I need to speak with our tour manager.”

“That’s okay, we’ll wait,” said Plait. At least she let go of his arm.

“No, I don’t want you to wait, I— ah, I don’t want to ah, inconvenience you,” he muttered, watching Ceedee and Stu split their sides laughing at him. When Plump stumbled in her six-inch, hot pink stilettos, grabbing at him to stop from falling, he thought Stu might need a fresh pair of jeans.

“Look, what I want you to do is to go back to the hotel. I’ll organise a limo to take you. I want you to order room service on me and have a good night.”

“And you’ll come and join us when you’re finished here?” asked Plump. Hope glittered through the clumps of flaky mascara around her eyes.

It would’ve been easy to just say yes. Accept the inevitable room key slipped in his pocket, toss it in the next rubbish bin and be done with it. But he couldn’t do it.

“You know, I’m—I’m not that kinda boy. Everyone just assumes, you know, that, well—” He deliberately stumbled and stuttered, hoping they’d get the point. Any point.

Plait’s eyes popped and her hand flew to her mouth. Plump said, “We just thought, Jonas said—we—oh!”

Rand dropped his head and tried to look bashful. “I’d be grateful if you’d keep it to yourselves. It’s not good business for the band. I’m sure you understand.”

“Oh my God,” said Plump. “Your secret is so safe with us. We’ll never tell. Never.”

He replaced being bashful with being relieved and wondered if there would be a Rand Mainline Comes Out headline somewhere in the next few hours. He put an arm around each of the girls and steered them to the door where he hoped to find a roadie who’d get them back to the hotel safely. What he found instead was the camera crew and an amused looking Harry who called, “Thanks for signing the release forms, ladies.”

He grabbed a runner and explained what he wanted and gave each girl a hug, watching with an overwhelming sense of deliverance as they staggered off down the corridor. Plait, who wore sensible flatties, supported Plump in her stripper heels.

When he turned back, Harry was still watching. “Great footage.”

“Ah, you can’t use that.” He rubbed the back of his neck. It was embarrassing enough most of

the room had been laughing at his expense, but for Harry to have it on tape. Roll over and die.

“Access all areas,” she said, quoting the contract at him.

“Aw, I don’t know if that’s more unfair to them or me.”

She laughed and he watched her face light up. The J Geils Band riff in his head once more. “What did you think of the show?”

She curled her lip, tipped her head. “Oh, you know.”

“No, I don’t know. Tell me what you think.”

She leaned in close to him, whispered hotly in his ear, “I think you are the sexiest thing on two legs.”

Rand gave a surprised hiss and when Harry drew back she was laughing at him, and he knew she was joking.

She said, “Really great footage. A behind the scenes look at the famous Rand Mainline’s groupies.”

He shook his head. “You don’t play fair. You owe me one for letting me think you were serious about the legs thing.”

She shrugged. “What do you want?”

“I want you to answer one question.”