“You get points for coming after me. And the toothbrush opener was inspired, but we’re not talking about something temporary here. If you get on the plane with me, we’re doing the rest together. I’m helping you decide on a job, what to do with your condo, and you’re helping me learn to sleep through the night, be disciplined with my family and being my person, my one who sticks with me no matter what.”

It was a good plan. The best he’d ever heard. “I like the idea of that. Come on, Flick.” He put his hand to her ribs, over her tattoo. “You make it happen. Redeem me. We can spend the rest of our lives working out the fine print.”

He wasn’t ready for her to jump, he would never be entirely ready for the centrifugal force of her, and that was part of what he loved. She crashed into him, but he caught her. “Is that yes?”

She took his breath away with her kiss. “Yes. Yes. I redeem you, Tom O’Connell, and you redeem me.”

They made a spectacle of themselves, making out in the middle of Terminal Two.

They’d make their guarantees, one argument, one comfort meal, one playlist, one promise, one secret, one sleepy cuddle, one bubble bath, one sexy challenge, one trouncing, one improbable crowd-sourced Kama Sutra position, one commitment, one love coupon at a time.

And if he planned it right, they’d do it for the rest of their lives.

* * * * *

The Thirty Coupons



Bubble bath


Dress Me for Work

Breakfast Out

Movie of Your Choice

Favorite Takeout

Dress Me for Bed

Binge-Watch Show of Your Choice

Dinner Out

Cook for You

Make a Playlist for You

Play a Game

Dirty Talk

Kama Sutra Position of Your Choice

Dinner with Friends

Buy Me Lingerie

I Tell You a Secret

Your Sex Fantasy

Breakfast in Bed