Page 129 of Unsuitable

He hadn’t, in all these years, but still nothing could be worse than where he found himself now, a carer without his loved ones to care for, a fighter without a family to protect.

Polly had freaked out the first night he’d come home sporting bruises and learned a heavyweight pro-boxer had made him boogie to avoid the sting. He settled when he copped to Reece being sober, gloved, helmeted, and paying for the privilege of the punishment under supervision. Even Gino approved.

And the surprise in the mix—Charlie. She came to watch an exhibition bout. She sat with the other mothers, wives, girlfriends and kids. Hid behind her hands the whole time, but she was there, and she approved. Told him she’d fight for his right to have his sport and his career simultaneously, but she’d castrate him in his sleep with a knife borrowed from a chef at work if he ever thought of turning pro or took a wager.

He’d cooked for her and the girls that night and he’d do it again tonight because Polly wanted the flat to himself. He had a special night with Les planned. He took his weary body back to Polly’s for a quick shower and while he was dressing Polly appeared.

“I don’t know what I’m doing, mate.”

Reece pulled a t-shirt over his head. It was tight. All this manual labour and training had bulked him up and he hadn’t exactly been soft. He’d need a couple of new shirts.

“What are you supposed to be doing?” He checked the bedside clock; he had ten minutes to clear out before Les was due.

“Do I just blurt it out, like in the moment?”

He studied Polly. Guy was a stress-head. “I need more data, dude. What?”

“I’ve never told a chick I loved her before.”

“Hoo.” Reece sat on the bed to lace his shoes. “Never? Not even when you didn’t, to get her in bed?”

Polly’s brows jumped. “You did that?”

Reece laughed. “Nah, man, but I thought you might’ve.”

“I got enough tail without resorting to that. Jesus, that’s scummy. And it’s not helping. I love, Les. I mean, she’s this smart, girly lawyer chick and I’m a brawl fixer—”

“Property developer. You should’ve told her about that.”

“—Builder’s labourer.”

“Building company foreman.”

Polly fiddled with the plug in his ear. “What the heck does she see in me? I keep thinking she’ll drop me for some suit-wearing kingpin. But I love her and I don’t want to be without her.”

Reece bent forward to tie a lace. “Say that?”

“I love you and I don’t want to be without you.” Polly near swallowed his tongue at the utterance. “Fuck.”

“Swap the swear for her name and you’re there.”

“Just like that? You think I should do it just like that? That’s not pretty. Shouldn’t it be memorable? How do I make it epic?”

“Pick your moment.” He tied the other lace.

“Like after she’s come screaming my name. Or is it better before, make it sweeter?”

Reece scrubbed his face and couldn’t stop his laughter. “Why are you so frayed about this?” He stood up, ready to go.

“It’s a big fucking deal for me, Mary Poppins. And I’ve seen what it did to you. I’m nowhere near as smooth as you. As far as I know, I’m Les’ bit of rough trade, some fun on the side before she picks a husband who’s had the same education and speaks the Queen’s fucking English.”


While he’d been busy trying to lose himself, Polly had gotten deadly serious about Les. And while they’d been talking Les had arrived. She stood behind Polly and shushed him. Reece didn’t know how much she’d heard. It was a warm night, he’d left the front door open, they hadn’t heard her come in.

“I’d marry her tomorrow if she’d have me. But I’m that much,” Polly flicked the bedroom light on and off, “removed from Neanderthal to know I can’t go from, I like hanging with you, wanna hit another game of Bio-shock, let’s screw, do you wanna be on top, to marry me and not expect tears.” He thumped his chest. “Mine I’m talking about.”
