Page 67 of Unsuitable

“Mia missed you.” He felt as though he should apologise for Mia being a kid. “It’s been a confusing time for her.”

“Thank you for being here for her. I know you had to fight for it.”

“Not that hard. Mia did all the work.” He shrugged. “Kids and their routine.”

She put her hand to his face. The gesture so intimate, her look so intense, he felt it through layers of skin and tissue all the way to his bloodstream, it re-oxygenated with tenderness.

“Thank you for being here for me.”

God, he could kiss her again now. Learn her pale lips and fragility as deeply as he‘d learned her strength.

He heard movement behind him. Esther’s slippers. A sound he hoped never to hear again after today.

“Audrey, tea is made.”

Esther’s voice was acid laced with disapproval. He dropped his arms and Audrey stepped around him to face her mother. Mia called and he took the opportunity to make himself scarce, going to the other end of the room, but Esther used lack of discretion as a weapon.

“In front of your daughter. Have you no shame?”

Audrey sighed and Reece hesitated. If he took her in his arms he’d make things so much worse.

“I saw your suitcase. You’re going home today, Esther.”

Esther grunted. “I’ve changed my mind. I’ll stay till you get your good sense back.”


“I’ll call your father and tell him you’re not well enough yet to be left alone.”

“Since I’m not one of his dogs, I guess that won’t matter to him.”

The muscles across Reece’s backfired, firming as if he was bracing for an attack.

“Don’t be impertinent, or I will start to think you have suffered some form of brain damage, like they said can happen. Maybe that’s what this thing with that man is, brain damage. I can only hope you recover before it becomes something you’ll regret any more than putting your child’s welfare in his hands.”

Reece didn’t like Esther’s manner, but he had the same question. What did Audrey regret where it came to him?

“Audrey.” Merry was in the room. “Reece made you a sandwich. I thought you might like to eat then lie down. Esther, I’m ready to drive you to the station. We don’t want to miss your train and I need to get back to work.”

“I’m staying.”

Merry said, “No, you’re not. Change your shoes. We’re going. Audrey doesn’t need you here.” Reece almost cheered.

“Oh, Merrill, she’s not well. How can I leave her yet?”

“Esther. Merry.”

Audrey’s distress was a landed punch. It stung more than anything Esther had thrown at him. He moved across the room and stood behind Audrey. Merry looked up at him and smiled. He knew why she was Audrey’s friend. He had no beef with Merry and he wished her and Joe well.

Merry took Esther’s arm. “Audrey has friends who will care for her. And you’ve made it clear you don’t approve. And you know what? You’re one of the most selfish people I’ve ever met.” Audrey put her hand out to stop Merry. It didn’t stop her.

“Audrey is a brilliant and generous friend, a talented and successful executive, and a great mum, but instead of being helpful, you’ve done your best to ignore her needs, avoid your own granddaughter, malign Reece, and drive Joe and me around the twist. So you’re getting on the train and you’re going home, and that’s all there is to it.”

Esther’s spine was spirit level straight. She pulled out of Merry’s grip and appealed to Audrey. “Do you want me to go?”

“It would be better.” Audrey was trembling.

Reece stepped closer. He put a hand to her shoulder.