He grinned. “Fact. Answer the question.”

“Maybe I am home.”

“No, no, no.” Hamish tapped the tabletop. “Go home, Aussie. You need the sunshine and insects that can kill you to be alive.”

“I don’t have any reason to go home. I went home to escape you, remember.”

“And you came back looking more beautiful than I can recall, but sad. You were supposed to be happy after leaving me. You sounded happy when we talked on the phone and I’m not buying this story you’re giving me about the fellow.”

“He’s working on an animation in LA.”

“So why aren’t you there with him?”

“I told you I—”

He gave her stop sign hands. “You are such a dreadful liar. Out with it. Did you dump him or did he dump you?”


“You can’t come to this crime scene neighbourhood and not tell me the truth.”

She fired a stern look at him. “This is none of your business, you know.”

It bounced off him without leaving a skid mark. “Georgie, really.”

“I never know when to walk away. He dumped me.”


“He gave me the flight, organised a car and an apartment. He paid my rent in Sydney for me.”

“Skeevy plonker.”

“No, that was thoughtful. He wanted me to have time with you.”

“Still. Plonker. He was virtually paying you off.”

“Right. Yes.” She looked down at her hands, that’s what Damon had done, shuffled her off when he was tired of everything but the sex, when he was ready to go back to his celebrity lifestyle and she didn’t fit. After the things she’d said to him that last night, he must’ve been laughing so hard at her. “I haven’t talked to him since.”

“Not even to yell abuse at him? That’s a missed opportunity, don’t you think?”



“Will you stop?”

“No. I’m enjoying this. You clearly don’t think he’s a bastard even after dumping you.”

“I do think he’s a bastard. He led me on. He lied. He used me. He…” She’d thought he loved her, acted out of love for her, but that’s not what the evidence in front of her said. The absence of anything like an apology, a make-good, a tentative contact from him.


“You’re not even listening.”

“You’re not really saying anything.”

“He left me at the airport. He let me think we were coming here together. He could be in LA. He could be on the moon for all I know. I love him. I’m in love with him. But I can’t trust him and it’s done and I’m miserable.”