She pulled on his shirt and put her teeth to his chest. “Meet me in bed.” And she was gone.

He finished undressing, dismissed the need to shave again, but ran the electric razor over his face anyway, washed up, and cleaned his teeth, using the routine to calm the fuck down. He got one of his nicer T-shirts out and left it folded on the dresser for her. He put glasses of water on each bedside table, the whole time smiling until he realized he’d likely missed out on the opportunity to undress Lenny, go to his knees and peel her hosiery off her legs, pull the straps of her bra down, and follow that silk with his lips till her breasts popped free and he could fill his palms with their fullness.

The rest of that fantasy about removing her underwear, learning how she liked to be licked and sucked, was making it hard to sit still in bed. He held off touching himself to wait for her, the sheet rucked at his waist, his back against the padded headboard.

In his mind, her underwear wasn’t tight and constricting, and he wouldn’t have to wrestle with it. He totally understood why she didn’t want him doing that.

When she appeared bundled in the robe, covered up neck to toe, her eyes bright gems and her hair brushed out, he exhaled hard. Anticipation was part of the fun, but Lenny was the woman to wreck him.

“Wow. I wondered a lot about what you looked like under clothes,” she said, teeth grazing over her lip.

She might have been closing her mouth on him, his hips twitched. “That robe suits you, but you could take it off now.”

“I could. I will. Bodywear leaves ugly marks and—”

“Leave it on and come over here.” He patted the place beside him, but she didn’t come any closer.

“Why am I nervous? It’s not your fault. I really want sex.” She puffed out an exaggerated breath and crossed her eyes, trying to lighten the moment.

“Lenore Bradshaw, you’re an amazing person, and you’re so goddamn sexy no matter what you’re wearing, but if you want to talk, we’ll talk, if you want to watch TV, we’ll watch. I really want sex with you, too, and we can go as slowly as you need. Bring that robe over here and tell me what you want.”

The time it took for her to walk forward and kneel on the end of the bed, to crawl across his legs and take his face in her hands, was seconds, but he saw a whole life unfold in her movements. Cooking for her, making her laugh, dancing together, arguing and holding hands, and loving. It was an illusion, but when her lips touched his, he could almost believe they had a future. And when her kisses went from hello, I’m glad you’re here, to endlessly deep and full of longing, he was overheated and stung with stupid hope.

It was Lenny who untied the belt of her robe and gave him access to her body, soft and warm and fragrant, making him groan out loud. It was Lenny who sighed and trembled as they both gloried in the skin-on-skin contact. It was Lenny who ran her hands down his torso, her gaze down on his erection.

She sat back on her heels, her arms still in the robe, her body framed by it and the contours of shadows thrown by the light, her hair thoroughly messed by his hands, and her eyes big and dark and scoping him out. “You’re something else.”

He was still partially covered by the sheet. “Then, why are you all the way over there?”

She yanked at the sheet until she drew it away from his cock, thickened and so connected to his racing heartbeat he felt it pulse. “I’m enjoying the view,” she said.

“Lose the robe, Bradshaw.” His voice came out low and dirty. She laughed and shrugged so the robe pooled on the bed behind her. “I have condoms and lube.”

“I have an IUD and no diseases except this one where I’ve lost my head over you.”

“Strange, I have that same disease.”

“And no others?”

“No others.” Just the one that was a memory trick, about this being a two-day vacation from the truth.

They moved together, wrapping around each other. Halsey lay back, pulling Lenny across his body, before he flipped them, sending her back to the sheet and rearranging her so she lay sideways and he could slip to the floor, kneeling by the bed between her legs.

“Oh, you. Oh,” she said, 5 percent strained protest, 95 million percent trembling with, “yes, please.”

He started with his hands on her shins, then put his lips to her knee, before opening her legs and trailing kisses along her inner thighs. He listened to her breathing, hiccups of anticipation, read the squirming of her body and got off on it. When she reached out, he took her hand and neither of them let go when he licked through her, making her hips jolt in response.

Lenny guided his way, told him what to do to make her feel good by the erratic sound of her breath, by the way she sucked in her tummy and arched her back. Her eyes stayed closed, and her hand squeezed his. He used his other to cant her pelvis and hold her to his mouth.

She had her first orgasm that way, her whole body curling around it, torso lifting from the bed, as it rippled through her. The sounds she made, a chorus of whimpers and moans that fed his own need, made it heavy and urgent, a feeling he held off by pressing into the side of the bed. He wiped his mouth and chin and watched while she settled, and when she opened her arms to him, he crawled into them, notching his cock between her legs. Ready, so ready.

“That was beautiful. Are you up for more?”

She laid an arm over her eyes. “It was amazing.” There was a tremor to her voice, and the fact she wouldn’t look at him meant she needed a minute. “How did you know?”

“Know what?”

She moved her arm back to her side. “Where to touch me. How?”