He didn’t know what he was going to say about yesterday, about ten years ago, but he didn’t want her to leave. Apart from the event staff and the caterer, they had the place to themselves, all the satisfied fans having been herded outside, and management disappearing like morning mist.

When he didn’t keep talking, she walked on. His driver would be waiting. And chasing Evie was asking for trouble. He went after her, catching up in a few long strides.

“I shouldn’t have touched you like that. It was inappropriate and I’m sorry.” That’s what he needed to say. He was sorry for a whole bunch of complex reasons that thudded against the front of his skull. Mostly he was sorry it’d come to the point where he needed to apologize at all.

She stared straight ahead. “I thought you were only helping. In which case, there’s no need to apologize.”

She was going to deny that gasp, like he was trying to. If she hadn’t wanted his touch she could’ve said. Could’ve shaken him off. She could’ve had him on the floor in seconds by headbutting his junk. Grip would’ve lent a hand. He’d felt the weight of her head tip towards his hand and her body sway near to his.

“I don’t think you need my help.”

Now she looked at him. “I don’t.”

“Except you want me to show Abel and Isaac how to avoid groping and creeping.”

“I think you owe them that much at least.”

He’d never finish owing them in Evie’s eyes. “I’ve known Abel since primary school. He never made any attempt to find out why I quit. I always wondered why that was. Always wondered why only Grip, who won’t talk about it, kept in touch. I figured I lost you and I lost my best friends too. Seemed like a high price to pay.”

“Lost me.” Evie snorted. “They taught you to avoid groping, creeping and the truth. Tell me you didn’t quit on me and the band. Tell me there is some other version of events that I’m ignorant of.”

Fuck. He couldn’t. He was the one who’d called it off, who’d quit. He’d thought he was doing the right thing by Evie. He thought everyone was better off without him. He didn’t understand why she’d thought he’d hold her back, had been crushed to learn he’d been doing that. She’d let him go, like Errol said she would. They’d all let him go and he’d thought he’d known the workings of Evie’s heart, that the Tice’s were family.

Tell me why you’re not a star? Shining brighter than me? Tell me why you kept secrets? Why you didn’t trust me? “Anything you need my help on, you’ve got it. Get Abel to ask me about handsy fans and I’ll show him the moves. Otherwise I’m just being a wise arse and he doesn’t need that.”

She blinked, left one eye closed as if a little uncertain, and squinted at him. “I shouldn’t have liked you touching me. My body remembers us and it’s confusing. Please don’t touch me like that again.”

“You got it.” It was best for both of them.

She thrust her hand out. “I figure we should start over. It’s good to see you again, Jay.”

It was his turn to look uncertain, He put his hand tentatively in hers. “I’m glad to be working with you, Evie.”

They shook; hands going up, down. Brisk, impersonal. And then neither of them let go.

Two beats too long, three. He didn’t hold tight, he wasn’t stopping her breaking the contact, pulling her hand away, but he wasn’t pulling his away either. Confusing wasn’t the word for the riot of emotions rippling through his body. Lifting his eyes from their joined hands, he found her watching his face, uncertainty registering in the frown lines against her brows.

“I’m sorry about so much, Evie. I should’ve been smarter about you.”

“I’m sorry too. We burned so bright, we just burned out.”

He ran his thumb over her knuckles, one-hundred thousand percent in disagreement. If the light in her eyes, the warmth of her hand, how close they stood to each other and what that was doing to his dick was any indication, they were still highly combustible.


They broke contact at the sound of Mum’s voice. Evie withdrawing too quickly for Jay to say more.

He floated back to the car, high on the handshake contact and feeling as if having a normal, human relationship with Evie wasn’t out of reach. No one had tried to punch him yet, so anything was possible.

“That went well. How is your hand? Tired?” Mum said, with her eyes on her planner. The questions were part mother, part manager.

He gave his right hand a shake. It didn’t feel too bad. The new tactic of varying his greeting paid off. Something else he could teach Abel. “I’ll ice it. Hit the hotel pool and have a nap.”

“I know you don’t want me in your private business but Jay, are you going to start something with Evie? Do you think that’s wise?”

He looked out the window on his side of the back seat, watched the city scoot past. “No, and no,” hiding his face from her like a kid.

“Okay.” Said in tone that meant I know you’re lying but I’m not starting an argument.