"We're lonely," he said and his voice sounded sad. "We realized how much we rely on you two and Sophie for entertainment. What's going to happen when you move back?"

"You know we're planning to move back?"

"Yes, Drake called me to talk about options."

"He never said anything."

"He knew that this would be one of those hard conversations and even harder decisions. But I think Elaine and I have come to a decision. We think we'd like to move back and maybe spend a couple of months farther south in January and February. Maybe we'll do what Drake suggested and get a better home with wheelchair accessibility, so I can be more mobile and get outside more than I could in the penthouse."

"Oh, Daddy, that makes me so happy." I got actual tears in my eyes at the news. "I've been so torn about all this. You know I really love our place in San Francisco, and I liked the studio but when I got back here, I felt like this was my real home. Plus, if Liam is going to be here living with Brenda, Drake would want to be closer to him. Drake doesn't think he should try for custody until the publicity around the trial dies down and it goes out of people's minds, so that means we'd want to be back in New York for the start of the school year."

"My thoughts exactly. The autumn is the best time of year in Manhattan. I like California, but nothing can compare with Central Park in the autumn. We'd likely stay until the new year and then come out here for a couple of months. You two could visit when you had the time."

"That's exactly what I was thinking. It would be different if Drake got full custody but that's not likely, so..."

"So, moving back to Manhattan makes sense. I thought Elaine and I would be fine out here alone but even ten days feels like a long time without you two and without Sophia. I haven’t seen Heath and his family for a while. My friends are all in Manhattan... I guess I'm not ready yet to give up the ghost."

"We'll stay in San Francisco until Liam is finished with the school year. Drake could go back to finish his Fellowship after Christmas and I could even finish my MA. We'll get a nanny to look after Sophie when I'm on campus. It'll work out."

"It will. You two have to follow your dreams and we old fogies will follow you wherever you go."

"That makes me so happy," I said. "The thought of us moving back and you staying in California was making me feel really sad."

"That's why Drake called. He knew you were upset. We'll find a great place and have big family dinners and celebrate all the holidays together, like we always do. One of Drake's new brothers lives not too far away in Massachusetts, so there's opportunity to invite them down for holidays. I guess I was upset when I lost my ability to walk and felt I wanted to be somewhere I could spend most of my time outside, but home is where the heart is and my heart is with

you and with our family."

"Mine, too." I wiped my eyes, my emotions almost overwhelming me at the thought we'd be back in Manhattan and all together instead of spread apart.

We spoke for a few more minutes about the trial and then said goodbye until the weekend when I'd call again.

I ended the call and sat for a moment, wiping my eyes. It was then that Drake arrived back from the store with a bag of bagels and cream cheese from the local deli as well as some fresh oranges for our juice.

He put the groceries onto the island in the kitchen and came over to where I sat with Sophie.

"What're the tears for?" he asked and sat beside me, turning my head to face him.

"I was just talking to my dad," I said and smiled. "He told me that you called him and talked about him moving back and finding a better place to live. Thank you," I said and slipped my arms around his neck. "I love you, Drake."

"I love you," Drake said and kissed me warmly. "I'd do anything for you. Anything."

"I would for you, too."

We kissed again and when our kiss ended, we pressed our foreheads together for a moment and I tried to enjoy the moment.

Of course, at that moment, Sophie decided to bang her toy against her tray as if to get our attention. We both turned to her to watch her for a moment. Drake leaned over and lifted her out of her chair and for the next half an hour, we sat and played with her while we waited for lunchtime, discussing the logistics of our move back and all the preparations we'd need to make to get back into our lives – Drake restarting his Fellowship and me my MA.

I had butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it.

Sophie would be turning a year old, at least in terms of gestational age, rather than birth age. She was sleeping through the night which meant I was getting enough sleep for a change.

I couldn’t wait to get back for good, although I'd miss the beautiful California beaches and weather.

On Tuesday afternoon, Drake grabbed his change of clothes for the set, packed up his gear and went to O'Riley's for his gig.

Karen was coming over at 8:45 P.M. and I'd take an Uber to the O'Rileys to watch his last set. We were going to rent a limo and do the whole role playing of me meeting a hot musician at a concert and going home with him. It would be fun. I'd wear his favorite dress, with no underwear on, and sit alone. He'd drop by between sets and chat me up, and then after the set, I'd wait for him behind the restaurant at the 'stage door' and go home with him.

We'd have sex in the back of the stretch limo.