We exchanged a knowing smile.

"How's Kate and Sophie? And you're near Liam. How are things going on that front?"

We covered all the personal stuff and once we got that out of the way, we went over the projects that had been completed since I left, the ones that were ongoing and those that were just ideas being developed.

When we were finished, it was lunch time. I wanted to get home so I could spend some time with Kate and Sophie before I had to pop over at the corporate headquarters to get a briefing on the last quarter's performance.

We shook hands once more.

"We should go out for a drink some night while you’re in Manhattan and play a game or two of racquetball."

"Sounds good. I'm busy preparing for the trial in the next few days but after that, I'll have time. Send me

a calendar appointment and I'll let you know."

"Will do."

He walked me out to the elevator and waited with me for the elevator to arrive.

"Maybe we can all go out for dinner some night," he said. "I'd like you to meet Lila. My aunt could probably sit with Sophia for you, if you'd ask her."

"Absolutely." The elevator door opened and I went inside. "I'll talk to Kate and get back to you with a Friday or Saturday night coming up."

"Later," Dave said as the elevator door closed.

As I left the building and walked to my rental car, I realized how much I enjoyed learning about the projects and all the business of the foundation. If I wanted, I could probably keep myself busy just working on the Board – if they would let me, that is. I'd have to keep a low profile until the trial was finished and the news blew over, but once it did, I could find real, rewarding work at the foundation.

I kept that in mind, in case Kate and I talked more about moving back for part of the year if we could find better situation for Ethan.

While I loved our place in San Francisco, being back at the 8th Avenue apartment and visiting my old haunts felt surprisingly good. I'd spent most of my adult life in Manhattan and leaving it for good just didn’t seem right.

Chapter 19


Drake spent the first few days back in Manhattan meeting with his lawyer and catching up on work at the foundation and corporate headquarters. On my part, I spent my time with Sophie, enjoying my beautiful apartment once more, and when I could, I took Sophie out for a walk around the neighborhood. Sophie was fine and adjusted well to being in a totally different location. She fell right back into her usual sleep/wake patterns and beside the constant drooling due to her teething, she was her usual happy self.

On day three of our return, I got a call from Dawn and while I hesitated to answer it, I finally gave in on the fourth ring.

"Hello, Dawn," I said, trying to sound happy to hear from her.

"Hey, girl," she said, sounding just as forced as I sounded. "I thought I'd give you a call and see if we can meet for coffee or if I could come by and see you and Sophie."

"Of course," I said and glanced around, trying to decide whether I wanted to meet her at our favorite coffee shop or have her over. "When are you free?"

"I work the evening shift at Harlem General so I'm free until three."

I glanced at the clock. Drake was out meeting Dave for a game of racquetball and wouldn’t be home until supper.

"Why don't you come over here before you go to work? You can see Sophie and we can have a cup of tea like old times."

"Sounds good. I'll be there is twenty. Thanks, Kate. I know we haven't been close since you and Drake got together and everything but I would really love to see you and Sophie while you're in town."

"Me, too," I said, my heart warming just a bit for her. "See you when you get here."

I ended the call and turned to watch Sophie, who was lying on her back on the blanket, playing with her stuffed toy. Frozen was playing on the flatscreen and she was watching it on and off. I was amazed at how addictive the movie was. Sophie couldn't get enough of it and when it was playing in the background, she seemed happy, turning to watch at certain parts – especially the singing.

I got out my mother's tea set and got everything ready for making tea for Dawn. When the buzzer sounded indicating that Dawn was outside the building, I went to the security panel and checked. Sure enough, it was her, standing at the front door waiting for me to buzz her up. I did and watched as she entered the building and started up the stairs.