"Should I order our favorite? Ribs and salad and rice?"

"Please," Drake said, glancing up from the floor where he was playing with Sophie. "I'm salivating at the thought of those ribs."

"Me, too," I said and called up. The owner still recognized my phone number and was happy to fill our usual order. Not much had changed since we'd been away and before long, I felt right at home.

After dinner, we played with Sophie for a while, Drake gave her a bath and then she had a bottle and went to bed for the night. I wondered if she'd be fussy and not go to sleep well, but she was fine, falling asleep quickly. I returned from her room and stood in the center of the great room and just took it in.

I loved our apartment. Sure, I enjoyed our place in San Francisco, but this was us – this was Drake's and my home. I wanted us to return someday and have a life here.

"Do you want a glass of wine? There's a bottle chilling in the refrigerator."

"I don't think so. I think I'd rather have a cup of hot tea."

"Coming right up," Drake said and went to the kitchen to turn on the kettle. I stood at the window and just watched the pedestrians on the sidewalk across the street. I knew every store and corner by heart and was caught up in the sounds of the traffic filtering in through the open window.

We had our tea and crashed for the evening on the sectional, putting some favorite old music on the stereo system. I was too tired to go out anywhere and all I really wanted was to have a nice warm bubble bath in our tub and then go to bed in the bedroom in the apartment where Drake and I first fell in love.

"Our first night back," Drake said and stroked my arm. "Are you tired? Do you want to watch something or do you want to go to sleep early?"

"I didn't sleep well last night. Maybe we should go to bed early. You have a busy day tomorrow. You've got to go see your lawyer and then visit the foundation and corporation."

"Do you mind?" Drake asked. "I wanted to get it over with so we could focus on spending time together."

"Not at all. I'll take Sophie for a walk and visit all my old haunts. It'll be fun."

After our bubble bath, we crept into our bed and I sighed when Drake wrapped his arm around me from behind, feeling strange to be back again despite the fact I'd spent much of the past two years there. And then, even though I thought I was too tired to make love to my husband, the way he touched me, kissing my shoulder, his hands sliding down my hip and around my buttock, aroused me.

So I did.

Chapter 18


When I woke in the morning, for a moment I was disoriented and wasn't sure where I was. I slept on the same side as usual, but the window wasn’t in the place I'd grown used to. The room wasn't nearly as bright as it usually was back in San Francisco. The open window brought in sounds of car horns and traffic. Somewhere, a jackhammer banged away on cement.

I was used to the sound of waves breaking on the beach and the cry of seagulls. I was used to waking up at six in the morning and finding Kate and Sophie beside me, but Kate was already up and I was alone in the king-sized cherry wood four poster bed. I rolled over onto my back and checked the clock on the bedside table. It was eight. I'd slept in despite falling asleep hours earlier than usual.

I got up and after a quick trip to the bathroom, I went downstairs to find Kate and Sophie already up and sitting at the island in the kitchen, eating breakfast.

"Good morning, Dr. Morgan," Kate said when she saw me come down the stairs. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead."

"Good morning, Mrs. Morgan," I said and went to her for a kiss. "How did you sleep? Why didn’t you wake me up?"

"You were sleeping like a baby. I wanted to let you sleep in as long as you needed. Obviously, you needed it."

"I did," I said and stretched my hands up over my head. "I feel good, if a little disoriented."

I went over to Sophie, who was playing with her Cheerios, and gave her a kiss.

"How's my baby? Did you sleep all night again?"

"She did," Kate said with a smile. "I was surprised when I woke up at seven that she was asleep. I even went in to check to make sure she was still alive."

I laughed and went to Kate, who was pouring water for coffee.

"You're joking, right? You know she's very healthy and there's nothing to worry about."

"I know," Kate said and poured me a cup of coffee. "I can't help it. I guess it's just lingering anxiety after her spending time in the NICU. I keep worrying that she'll stop breathing."