"That's all true, but since you aren’t on trial, I don't want to get into any long-winded discussion of the finer points of BDSM if we can avoid it. It can only make things more complicated. The defense will probably already be calling experts in on the psychology of BDSM and they'll be critical, bringing up other cases where young women have been exploited and have gone on to do things against their own best interest. I don't want you to start arguing the case. That will be for the DA's own experts to worry about. All we want is for you to lay out how you met her, and the extent to which you had any private encounters with her after she started at NYU as a resident."

"Of course. I'll stick to whatever script you think is best, as long as I'm truthful."

"Don't worry," Gary said. "You'll be truthful, but as you and I both know, there are different ways to tell the truth. Some ways will portray you more favorably than others. This is going to do a hell of a job on your career prospects, Drake. I hope you're prepared for the publicity from this to follow you for years."

"I know," I said, a knot in my gut over it. "Luckily, I don't have to worry about money. I can always go into private practice and be extremely selective about clients if I want to keep practicing medicine."

"And if you can't practice medicine any longer? What will you do?"

I shrugged. "I'll volunteer in Africa. I'll volunteer in clinics where people don't have health insurance. I'll volunteer at a homeless mission. Don't worry about me."

"Okay, Drake. I just want you to be prepared for what's coming. It won't be fun. It will be very upsetting and potentially – most certainly damaging to your reputation and career prospects."

"I understand. It already has, so I don't see how this will make things worse."

"I wish I could tell you that things will go back to normal after the trial, but they won't. Not for a few years, anyway."

I frowned at that, because I thought that once the trial died down, I would be able to go back to my life the way it was before everything happened.

"You really think it will take several years?"

"I do," he said. "You could probably get by if you moved away, maybe to Canada or Europe where they aren't as... how shall I say... puritanical about sex. But here? Every hospital will do their due diligence before they hire you and will be reluctant to piss off their donors or board of directors by hiring you."

I thanked him for his advice and we went over the itinerary for my return to Manhattan and what dates we would meet to go over my testimony and a mock cross examination. I said goodbye and sat alone in my office, ruminating on what lay ahead for me – and for Kate. This would affect her as well, for she'd have to leave her studio for a couple of weeks and we'd be without Ethan and Elaine for support and to sit with Sophie when we needed a break.

Instinctively, I knew that what he said about the publicity affecting my career was right, but I hadn't wanted to believe it. I thought my credentials would be more important, but I was coming to realize, with great reluctance, that I was screwed – at least for a few years. Everywhere I went, the trial and scandal would follow me. My only hope to practice was to find a place somewhere that needed me more than it cared about my personal life. Somewhere that neurosurgeons with skills like mine were in short supply and high demand. That somewhere was either in poor rural areas of the country or in under developed countries with few resources where I would be considered a life-saver rather than bad news for potential donors.

It upset me that, through no fault of my own, I was going to be untouchable for a while, but that was the risk I took when I first became involved in the lifestyle. Lara warned me, back in those first weeks that I wanted to learn more about D/s and bondage, that I had to keep my personal and professional lives scrupulously unconnected. I should never ever have a submissive in the medical profession. I should be very careful with whatever submissives I did use. That was the biggest reason that I let Lara find my submissives. She vetted them for me, basing her suggestions on how trustworthy and stable the women were.

She didn't find Lisa Monroe and Derek Richardson for me. I met Derek at one of his private dungeon parties and it was because of mutual business interests that we connected. I did scenes with Lisa because of him and it was not through Lara.

Of course, Lara also warned me off Sunita. She felt concerned about her, but thought she was more stable than she turned out to be. That was a huge regret of mine and hers. It was Sunita who released the video of me caning her. That could be the end of my career. That video had probably already affected my career but I wasn't yet ready to face the truth.

I refused to face that prospect. I'd find something to do that used my skills as a neurosurgeon. I wouldn’t let Lisa defeat me.

That afternoon, Kate was at her studio and so while I was waiting for Sophie to wake up, I spent my time catching up on work for the foundation. While I had taken a serious back seat there, I still had to read over monthly reports from Dave about what projects were being finished, what projects were underway and what projects were in development. There was a mountain of material to cover and I was behind because of my work at the hospital. I rolled up my sleeves and settled in, reading over each report and sending Dave my comments so he'd know

what my thoughts were when he went before the board to defend the new projects he was developing.

It was while I was writing an email to Dave Mills that I got one from Ken O'Riley, whom I hadn't talked to since Kate and I left Manhattan. I'd sent him an email earlier in the week to let him know we'd be back in town for a few weeks and that I'd love to get together with him and see the family. Maybe we'd be able to stop by for one of their Sunday dinners.


So good to get your email. Of course, we'd be thrilled to have you for Sunday dinner. Anytime – you know you have an open invitation. Mom is dying to see Sophia and Kate – and you of course. If you feel up to it, why not get in some practice with Mersey? We still haven’t found a replacement bass player who knows our repertoire as well as you so we'd love to do a few gigs while you're here. I spoke with the other guys and we're in if you are. We can practice for a week and then get in a couple of gigs, if you're game. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate, but it might be good for the soul to play some Brit Invasion. Paint It Black, Under My Thumb. The Stones seem like a good way to let off steam. Let me know if that sounds like a plan and I'll set things up. You haven't been gone too long so you shouldn't be very rusty. Give Kate and Sophie our love,


I smiled to myself as I re-read the email, glad I'd contacted Ken. We'd be in Manhattan for almost a month during the trial. Getting in a few gigs during that time would be manageable. Hell, I used to play a few gigs with Mersey when I worked full-time at the hospital and did everything else. It would be no problem if I was there only for the trial.

Of course, I'd stop by the foundation and corporate HQ and do some catch-up with everyone, but I had time to play if I wanted.


Thanks for the reply. Of course, I'd love to jam with Mersey again while I’m in Manhattan. I'll have to check what my schedule will be like re: the prosecutor and any testimony I have to give but we can work around that. We miss everyone and look forward to Sunday dinner with you and your family. On that note, I've discovered my other family – my mother remarried and had four children so I've now got more family than I could have dreamed of when I was growing up. Three half-brothers, a half-sister, and a step-father. My mother is ill and suffering from Alzheimer's Disease so she doesn't understand who I am, or remember much but it was good to see her and meet everyone.

I'll let you know about my schedule once I speak with the prosecutor.
