"No, I don't, Mrs. Morgan. Please, do tell..."

"I could describe it to you," I said and licked my bottom lip suggestively. "Or, we could find a broom closet somewhere in the building and I could show you."

His eyes widened at that and he grabbed me, pulling me close, his mouth against my ear. "Now, that would be sweet justice. You with your beautiful mouth and tongue wrapped around my cock while Sefton deFuckingVilliers walks around imagining being with you."

He pulled back and grinned, his eyes narrow.

I smiled back at him and we stood like that for a moment, and I imagined that both our hearts were beating a little faster and our bodies were both aching for each other. I know mine was aching for him.

It felt like old times – like when we first met and I couldn't wait to be with him, for him to take control over my body and take me to places I'd never been before.

"I'd love to find a broom closet somewhere in this building and have you show me exactly what you'd do with your lips and tongue, Mrs. Morgan," Drake said, his voice almost a whisper, "but alas, I think we'll have to wait until we get home. The last thing I need is for someone to walk in on us and for the gossip to get around that I was caught having public sex with my wife at an art exhibition."

I nodded in understanding. That would be the very last thing Drake needed – being found in a compromising position at a public event. If he wanted custody of Liam, he'd have to live an exemplary life from now on – not that he hadn't already.

I couldn't understand how Drake's willingness to save Liam's life wasn't enough to reassure a judge that he would be a great father, but many judges were social conservatives and any hint of kink could be a threat. If it hadn't been for the publicity surrounding the trial, Drake might have been able to coast through a custody hearing, but that was a game-changer.

Drake took my hand, kissed my knuckles, and then led me through the gallery to the door.

"We're leaving all of a sudden?" I said. "What about dinner?"

"We're going to that new restaurant downtown – Soirée. The one I told you about. Everyone raved about it at the hospital. But first, I'm going to take you home and fuck you."

I smiled to myself. I was a bit breathless from our little tete-a-tete about sex. Both of us were seriously deprived. We'd forgo food if it meant mutual orgasms.

The drive back to our house was silent, but Drake held my hand the entire time. When we finally pulled up into the driveway, I was very uncomfortable, nearly squirming in my seat in anticipation of what was to come.

Drake hopped out of the vehicle and came around, opening my door and taking my hand, leading me out and over to the front door. He disarmed the lock and the alarm system, and before I could even take off my heels, he pushed me up against the wall beside the entry. His kiss promised everything and more.

"I need you, now."

"I'm yours," I replied because I was his. Every inch of me.

Afterwards, while we lay together on our bed, Drake turned to me.

"What do you say I cancel those reservations and we stay home and eat leftovers? I feel like just spending the entire evening lying with you on the sofa and watching Netflix."

I turned to face him and slid one of my arms around his neck, stroking his hair. I moved closer and kissed him softly.

"Whatever you want."

"If you were really looking forward to going out for supper, we can go. It's just that I've been out of the house at night for so many nights, I feel like staying in with you alone. All to myself."

I smiled. "I'm happy to be with you here or anywhere. If that's what you feel like, I'll be happy."

"Don't think you're going to fall asleep on me early. I've got more plans for you later tonight and they involve some lamb's wool cuffs we haven't used nearly enough in the past year."

I smiled and laid my head against the pillow, my eyes locked with his. "I'm at your disposal."

Later, while we lay together on the sofa watching the news, with Drakes leg draped over me possessively, I thought how nice it was to have Drake all to myself. Just Drake and me, together, as lovers and friends. It was nice to reconnect that way again. The first time Sophie spent the night at Elaine's, I felt guilty for taking time away from her, but I realized that for us to be good parents, we had to keep our relationship alive. Besides, it was good for Sophie to become close to Elaine and my dad. I wanted them to have a great relationship and for Sophie to really know them, to feel totally secure with them and feel their love.

Tomorrow morning when we picked up Sophie and brought her back here with us, both Drake and I would be refreshed and eager to spend the day with her.

For now, it was our time and as Drake stroked my back while we watched the news, I felt such contentment. For a few moments, the upcoming trip to New York and the trial were forgotten and it was just me and Drake.

Chapter 16