"You need to sleep," I said, putting my hands on his shoulders. "You need sleep if you're going to work a shift. You can pop in and see your mother just before your shift."

"You're right," he said and finally we stood up. "I just want to be there."

"I know, but you can't be there for her and be there for your patients if you don't get some sleep. Did you eat something at the hospital before you came home?"

Drake nodded.

"Good. Go and lie down. I'll make sure to wake you up so you'll have enough time to get dressed and go to see your mom before your shift."

"Okay, Mrs. Morgan," Drake said with a guilty smile. "I'll let you be the boss of me just this once."

"Ha," I said and slipped my arms around his waist. "We're the boss of each other."

"We are."

We kissed once more.

"Maybe if your mom improves, Sophie and I can come up and see her. What would you think of that?"

Drake's eyebrows raised. "Would you want to come and meet her?"

"Of course," I said. "I'd want her to see her other grandchild."

"She may not be coherent, even if she recovers."

"We have to hold out hope."

He nodded and stroked my cheek. "We do."

Then, he went to Sophie and kissed her before going to the bedroom for a sleep.

While Drake slept, Sophie and I did our usual routine of driving to the small neighborhood shopping mall. I had a cup of coffee while we sat on the patio and watched the people walk by. When I was done, we stopped and got a few things from the local Whole Foods store for the kitchen, and then returned home. I hoped Drake had enough time for a few good hours of sleep. I wouldn't wake him up until two o'clock. He'd already had a shower and so would only have to dress and then drive to the hospital which was about twenty minutes away. He could pop in to see his mom at that point. If she was well, we'd come up and see him there on his break and meet her.

I made a light lunch for Sophie and me and we sat on the patio and ate, watching the ocean below us. It was peaceful. Sophie was happy to babble away in her playpen while I finished reading some news headlines on my tablet.

After lunch, we watched some television and then, when it was almost two o'clock, I went into the bedroom and

woke Drake up.

I leaned over Drake, moving the pillow off his head. I brushed hair off his cheek and kissed him.

"Time to wake up, my love."

He blinked awake and then stretched rolling over and pulling me on top of his body. He smiled when I squealed and then tickled me, trapping me beneath him.

"Tomorrow, Ms. Bennet, I am going to enjoy you."

"I'm going to enjoy you enjoying me."

"It's a date."

We kissed briefly and then Drake sighed. "I'll call you and let you know how my mother is. You can decide whether to come up or not."

"Sounds good," I replied. "I don't want to barge in on family business but I would like to see her."

"It's your family as well."

I nodded and then we heard Sophie from the other room, babbling over the baby monitor.